Chain image and store-choicemodeling: the effectsof income and race
A S Fotheringham andAnalysis,Departmentof Geography,State University
for Geographic
of NewYork.Buffalo,
R Trew
CA 94588,USA
5994West LasPositas
p r i l 1
form in revised
of the extentto which the
Abstract.Addressedin this paperis the lack of understanding which this imagevariesacross to extent imageof a storecan affect store selectionand of the for major grocery of supermarkets the choice
-u.-k"t segments.The subjectof the analysisis
belongs. a supermarket which to the chain ind imageis heremeasuredby shopping, through and ccnsumers of a sample from ir ptfr"ii"d throughihe use of descriptivestatistics of store determinant important an is image that chain severalstore-choicimodel calibrations as store size as important least is at image chain choice. In the particulardata set employed, and storecompetition.
Evidenceis presentedon the effectsof peoples 'incomeand race on their store selection.
Differencesare found in chain imageboth acrossincomegroupsand acrossracial groups.
Differencesare also reportedin distancedeterrenceacrossincomegroups,althoughin the oppositedirectionto cbmmonbelief. It appearsthat low-incomeconsumersare willing to of lower prices. travelfurther for groceryshopping,ceterisparibus,probablyto take advantage to shop at the time involved extra the to spend unwilling Ue rniy Higher income.ors.rmetr of convenience. the sake prices for give up low therefore prices and stoi", with the lowest
The generalconclusionfrom the resultspresentedhere is that intrinsicdifferencesin store-choicebehaviorexist acrossdifferentgroupsof consumersand that analyzingstore locationaccuratelydemandsknowledgeof suchdifferences '
Despite the recent increased interest in
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