Management in children and young people
Unit 2
Champion Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.
Learning outcome 1
1.1- Diversity, equality and inclusion play a significant part in my area of responsibility on a day to day basis. As a deputy manager it is my role to ensure that I am a positive role model within this area in order to ensure that the correct working practices are passed onto the staff team and from the staff team to all the young people that are cared for within our home, this is imperative to ensure the individual needs of the young people are being met and that they feel valued regardless of their gender, background, religion, beliefs, sexual orientation, age, disability etc.
A few examples of current practises within our residential home are as follows;
Allowing young people to compile their own weekly menus, ensuring that alternative options are always available for Vegans, Vegetarians and culture related meals.
Complaints procedures, any young person, staff or visitor has the right to complain, it is my responsibility to ensure that the complaint procedure is accessible to everyone.
Young people’s care plans evidence clearly individual’s choices and preferences.
Discrimination policy, to ensure all staff are aware of anti-discrimination practice, and the outcomes for those that do not follow procedures at all times.
As a deputy manager it is my responsibility to ensure that the staff team and I have regular training and group discussion to ensure that we have the understanding, skill’s and attitude to ensure the following:
To treat all people with respect
To be able to recognise that people are different and be able to not discriminate because of those differences.
To employ a diverse staff team to consist of different sex, age and race etc.
To value the beliefs of others
Empower staff and young people to exercise and understand their rights.
To help me improve my understanding, skills and attitude I can access the following Legislation relating to equality and diversity in Health & Social Care:
Sex Discrimination Act 1975
Race Relations Act 1976 (Amendment) Act 2000
Equal Pay Act 1970 (Amendment) Regulations 2003
Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003
Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003
Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006
Human Rights Act 1998
Equality Act 2006
Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and 2005
Data Protection Act 1998
Health and Social Care Act 2008.
The Equality Act 2010
1.2- Within my job setting there are many different barriers that may exist some of which may consist of:
Cultural barriers can prevent, for example, consideration of spiritual, relational or dietary needs that do not conform to traditional expectations, this could occur when a young person is admitted from African origins and it has taken several days to locate their foods of preference due to low stock in our local area.
Personal barriers, for example, where staff hold individual prejudices that influence their practice. These actions may be conscious, but can often be unconscious or unwitting.
Attitudinal barriers is the most common barrier but is not as easy to identify as physical barriers, but they can feel every bit as real to those who are exposed to them, this may occur when staff do not respect the young people’s rights to make their own decisions.
Physical in nature observed in the built environment. For example in accessing buildings, narrow doorways, and the absence of lifts or accessible toilets, this is not a barrier I have experienced within my work setting as rooms are prepared in advance of an admittance.
When any of the above occurs individuals may feel oppressed, helpless and disempowered, loose self-esteem, withdrawn and depressed.
In our care setting time and financial barriers are often discussed, currently all of our young people are on multi-staffing ratio’s this means we have 2 staff on shift in the daytime and 2 in the evening to care for 3 young people, one of the young people requires more 1 to 1 time with staff to meet their general care needs but this mean the other children have less 1 to 1 time to spend with staff this can leave them feel less valued. Due to the current climate financial barriers become more relevant in day to day life this includes our working environment, if one young person goes into a state of crisis and causes damage to the home, this then requires repair costs from our home which in turn reduces the budget in which we would purchase recreational items for the home such as trampolines, bicycles, sport equipment etc. therefore all young people are affected (not just the individual that caused the damage).
1.3- Policies in regards to equality, diversity and inclusion have been put in place by my company for the staff and I to use alongside the current Legislations for us to implement in our day to day working practices. The Equality Act became law in October 2010. It replaces previous legislation (such as the Race Relations Act 1976 and the Disability Discrimination Act 1995) and ensures consistency in what you need to do to make your workplace a fair environment and to comply with the law.
The policies set out by the company apply to all keys employees, full time, part time, fixed term, job share, trade union and non trade union members, agency or contract staff.
All employees have the right to be treated with consideration, dignity, respect and fairness at work.
It is everyone’s responsibility to co-operate with measures introduced by management to ensure equal opportunities for all and they are non-discriminative, all employees are expected not to practice discrimination themselves or encourage others to do so. Any breaches of the policies will be regarded as misconduct and could lead to disciplinary proceedings in accordance with procedures laid down in terms of employment.
Equality and diversity Policy includes - Your right to: live an independent life, rich in purpose, meaning and personal fulfilment; be valued for your ethnic background, language, culture and faith; be treated equally and to be cared for in an environment which is free from bullying, harassment and discrimination; and
Be able to complain effectively without fear of victimisation.
Equality Act 2010 - discrimination and your rights
When are you protected from discrimination?
Discrimination means treating you unfairly because of who you are. The Equality Act 2010 protects you from discrimination by: employers businesses and organisations which provide goods or services like banks, shops and utility companies health and care providers like hospitals and care homes someone you rent or buy a property from like housing associations and estate agents schools, colleges and other education providers transport services like buses, trains and taxis public bodies like government departments and local authorities.
There are nine protected characteristics in the Equality Act. Discrimination which happens because of one or more of these characteristics is unlawful under the Act. We all have some of these characteristics - for example, sex or age - so the Act protects everyone from discrimination.
If you’re treated unfairly because someone thinks you belong to a group of people with protected characteristics, this is also unlawful discrimination.
What are the protected characteristics?
The characteristics that are protected by the Equality Act 2010 are: age disability gender reassignment marriage or civil partnership (in employment only) pregnancy and maternity race religion or belief sex sexual orientation.
Discrimination by association
The Act also protects you if people in your life, like family members or friends, have a protected characteristic and you're treated unfairly because of that. This is called discrimination by association. For example, if you're discriminated against because your son is gay.
If you complain about discrimination
The Equality Act protects you if you're treated badly because you've complained about discrimination or stood up for discrimination rights, either for yourself or for someone else.
Equality Act 2010 - spotting discrimination - chart
(, 18.11.14 @ 15.29)
Learning outcome 2
2.1- I promote equality, diversity and inclusion daily within my work practices, below on the diagram displays some of the practices I adhere to on a daily basis:
I also follow closely the relevant policies and procedures set by law and by my company.
As part of my job role I recognise that everyone is an individual, but I do not believe that discrimination will ever be 100% eradicated, this is due to people having their own opinions and attitudes which once they are in place are very difficult to change/ adjust. I also believe that any form of discrimination should be challenged and should definitely not be tolerated.
During staff inductions all staff are made aware of policies and procedures, I ensure that the staff team are kept up to date on any changes to legislation by staff meetings and any issues can be discussed during staff’s 1 to 1 supervisions, my staff team and I are monitored regularly in this area via:
REG 33 visits
Managers monthly monitoring
Accurate record keeping
Annual Ofsted Inspections
Local Authority monitoring visits.
2.2- As a deputy manager it is my responsibility to challenge discrimination whenever the need should occur. This starts with the employment process.
As an equal opportunity employer, Keys childcare is committed to ensuring the promotion of quality opportunity and the prevention of unlawful discrimination in the workplace.
Staff involved in selection and appointment panels will be trained in the companies’ selection and appointment procedure and equal opportunities policy. Tests used in selection, recruitment, promotion or training will be regularly reviewed to ensure they are related to job performance and do not unlawfully discriminate, decisions relating to the selection process and the reasons for the decisions will be recorded at each stage of the selection process and will be kept for a minimum of 12 months after appointments have been made. It is the responsibility of the HR department to ensure equal opportunities are met and that the equality and diversity policies are followed. There is also a separate training department who are responsible for ensuring all training is kept up to date, this is also the responsibility of the manager of each children’s home within the company and they have to keep a record within the home and request any out of date training or if anyone needs a refresher.
Any grievances or disciplinary are first dealt with by the home manager who investigates and forwards all information to HR with their recommendations, HR then make a final decision following policies and procedures.
When arranging interviews, ask candidates if they have any specific requirements and make necessary reasonable adjustments in advance.
Concentrate on abilities to do the job during interview and only ask about a disability if it has a bearing on the person’s ability to meet the job specifications.
Keep in line with general employment practices
Provide training, development and guidance to employees to develop understanding about how unfair discrimination occurs and how it can be avoided.
Consider flexible working patterns if required, to include those who have dependants.
During the interviewing process I ask all applicants the exact same questions to ensure the process is fair, based on the answers the applicant gives they receive a score for each question, the applicants score will contribute to the overall application. I do not discriminate against the age of the applicant because of their possible lack of experience as these candidates can be given a full training package which enables them to complete the job to a high standard, likewise with the older applicants who may have lots of experience and can bring new ideas to the team. We have a very diverse working team of different nationalities, gender, sexual orientation and age. The same development opportunities are offered to all.
Any staff members that are found to be discriminating against others in any way are managed within the company’s disciplinary policy.
Similar concepts are used when working with our young people, if they are found to be making discriminating comments or behaving in a discriminating way they are given a negative consequence, this usually involves some kind of educational tasks to help young people understand and accept the differences in others, we also have a bulling log in place where any form of bullying behaviour is logged and also states what was done to help resolve issues and also helps to see any patterns forming.
2.3-To continue to improve awareness of discrimination within our home I must continue to promote equality, diversity and inclusion to the staff team and our young people, I ensure that all of the staff team are in date with all of the current training courses that are provided internally by our company and also by sourcing any external training that may be useful.
The staff team provide information to our young people in many forms to ensure they have as much information as possible, some of which are as follows:
Information booklets on discrimination and respect
Bullying worksheets and workshops
Regular discussions as a group in young person’s meeting
1 to 1 keyworker sessions
Children’s Rights booklets
Literature provided by Ofsted
Welcome booklets about the home and what behaviours are acceptable.
To ensure I can provide information to others, I need to be aware of the facts myself by keeping up to date with facts such as the effects of discrimination to others:
Identity problems
Low self-esteem
Depression & psychological distress
Hypertension and elevated heart rate activities
Exaggeration of perceived prejudice or stereotype
Loss of self-esteem
Feeling stressed or unable to cope
Mental illness caused by stress
Loss of motivation
2.4- As well as supporting others but providing information and knowledge on discrimination and exclusion and the effects it has on others I am also responsible for training others through CPD (continuous professional development) this includes the following:
Supporting staff on employment issues within my organization
Supporting a member of staff if they make a report to you about a colleague (whistle blowing policy)
Ensuring that all staff are receiving their correct benefits as stated in their contracts.
Providing contact details for outside organisations who can give advice on equality and discrimination issues,
Enrolling staff onto training opportunities to improve their knowledge and skill base
Allocating responsibilities fairly amongst all grades of staff
Creating a safe environment
Promoting good practice and being a good role model
Learning outcome 3
3.1- Systems and processes are put into place to help promote equality and inclusion and to help eradicate discrimination and exclusion within the workplace, following any incidents of discrimination and exclusion plans and risk assessments are updated to prevent further incidents occurring. All staff, young people and relevant others must be made aware of the laws such as the Equality Laws 2010 and any updates to these laws that are put in place to protect them, this is the same process as with the complaints process as in everyone should be educated on how to use it. All staff are made aware of the equal opportunities policies and the company’s code of practices and must comply with this in order to promote good working practices and positive partnership working.
3.2- It promotes equality of opportunity for all, giving every individual the chance to achieve their potential, free from prejudice and discrimination. When policies, codes of practice and legislation are obeyed, they have an effective impact on our organisation. Individuals should feel safe and protected, whatever their gender, religion, beliefs, sexual orientation, disability or race etc. staff morale and productivity, individuals self-esteem are usually heighten, they aim to reduce inequality, eliminate discrimination, strengthen good relations between people and promote and protect human rights. I have a duty to challenge prejudice and disadvantage and promote the importance of human rights, enforcing equality laws on age, disability, gender, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief and sexual orientation and encourage compliance with the Human Rights Act.
3.3- All staff should feel supported by their employer and can speak freely during staff meetings and supervisions, all staff should feel comfortable in the complaints procedure and be fully supported. Gaps and shortfalls are identified with the assistance of others (staff team and residents) and actions can be taken to make changes to policies or practice. All policies and procedures should be accessible to all staff at all times.
During an audit of the young peoples monies, I identified that all young people were receiving the same amount of pocket money even though they are of different ages. I spoke to the staff about this during a meeting and proposed different rates which were age dependant. Now each young person is paid on an age appropriate basis.
Learning outcome 4
4.1- It is important for care workers to have a good understanding of ethical dilemmas they may face during their working day. Risk assessments are a huge part of social care and should be followed by all of the staff team as this assists in safe management of individuals.
Examples of some ethical dilemmas which may arise in my workplace when balancing individual rights and duty of care:
Confidentiality and disclosure
Personal values and beliefs
Challenging behaviours
4.2- Informed choice is a voluntary, well-considered decision that an individual makes on the basis of options, information, and understanding. The decision making process should result in a free and informed decision by the individual about whether or not he or she chooses or wishes to accept these options. To make an informed choice, people need accurate, clear, unbiased, and useful information. People can only make informed choices if they are fully aware of what they are choosing from. Some people may have problems or may not be able to make informed choices because of communication or cognitive barriers which may effect their understanding.
Informed choice - One that is informed, consistent with the decision maker's values, and behaviourally implemented
Autonomous choice - One which occurs when people act (1) intentionally, (2) with understanding, and (3) without controlling influences that determine their actions
Informed decision - One where a reasoned choice is made by a reasonable individual using relevant information about the advantages and disadvantages of all the possible courses of action, in accord with the individual's beliefs
4.3 - Children and young people can be seen as experts in their own lives; they often know what it feels like to be in their situation and to have had their experiences. Children and young people know something different to adults. Young people may not agree with what plans are in place for them and may think that parents, social workers or other professionals have got it wrong.
Where different people’s views are being collected to inform decisions (e.g. different children and young people’s, or parents and professionals as well as children) then each contributor’s view should be treated with respect and all used to inform the final decision. The children and young people’s views are just as important as the professionals’/parents’ perspectives.
Issues of individual capacity may affect informed choice: eg physical health, mental health, the law, social class, culture, religion, age, ability, gender, location, family support, carer support, social mobility, communication and interpersonal skills
4.4 – Strategies to manage risks when balancing individual rights and duty of care consists of:
A comprehensive care plan/pathway plan
Risk assessments including risk management strategies
Monitoring and reviewing
Training needs identified and met
Ensure good practice is followed
Staff and residents meetings and handovers
Encourage a positive working atmosphere
I recently updated the homes statement of purpose, childrens guide and admission paperwork to include that the home does not accept young people into the home with a mobile phone due to the risk this can present. This is the same for each new young person to ensure they are all treated fairly. A plan will be put in place to earn the phone on an individual basis and again is dependant of risk. Risk assessments will reflect each individual young persons progress.
The following resources have been used to complete unit 2:
1. Wikipedia
2. Google
4. Citizens Advice