Greenhouse gas emissions are the cause of climate …show more content…
change; the warm gases get trapped in the atmosphere and warm the earth, therefore creating the greenhouse effect. There are many factors that contribute to the greenhouse effect; emissions from vehicles, burning non renewable fuels, cutting down trees, and increasing industries are major causes. As a result of the heating from the greenhouse effect, glaciers are melting, water levels are rising, natural disasters are becoming stronger, and the core temperature of earth is slowly but readily rising.
Concerning politics, climate change is a global issue.
In many places, climate change is a controversial issue between government officials. Many social issues are being caused by climate change. With the severe droughts and powerful floods, there are less and less places to grow agriculture. Plus, with water becoming a rising problem, there will eventually be less water to drink, and, combined with agriculture, less food to eat as well. This can cause famine. Economically based, jobs based on agriculture, such as farming, will start to diminish. Many people will lose their jobs. (
Sudan has laws for protecting the environment against climate change. With Sudan’s already dry climate, its droughts are becoming harsher and consistent. During their rainy season, floods are becoming either stronger or having none at all. Sudan is not a leading contributor to greenhouse gases, nor anywhere near it. As such, many of the leading contributors of emissions, such as the United States and China, are impacting Sudan’s climate more than Sudan itself
A diplomatic action that could be taken may be farming for natural resources other than oil. Oil is Sudan’s main source of income, (as of 2007, oil accounted for 95% of Sudan’s income.) ( Aside from deforestation to place the drills and water pollution from the untreated waste, oil is a fossil fuel. When burned, it becomes one of the leading causes of greenhouse gases. If Sudan continues to drill as much oil as it is now, it will continue to feed climate change. However, if Sudan decided to utilize some of its other natural resources such as cotton, wheat, sugarcane, bananas, and more renewable sources (,) the choice to reduce oil drilling would make the greenhouse gases that Sudan is producing significantly lower.