Helpful Hints:
You may want to begin by printing this page. As you explore different sites, use the printout to refer back to the instructions and questions detailed in each activity.
On many web sites you can increase the size of the images by clicking on them. Whenever possible, use the larger images to examine fine details in photographs.
Activity One:
Broadly speaking, both Japan and China experienced similar political developments between 1400 and 1800. After periods of disruption, each civilization returned to traditional patterns of government and political philosophy. As each political structure faced new challenges, it utilized strategies that had been forged in its past.
To better understand these trends, complete the following exercises. Go to Ming China. According to this site, what disruption in Chinese history was the Ming Dynasty hoping to overcome? What does Tien Ming, or the Mandate of Heaven, mean? For more information, see Tien Ming: The Mandate of Heaven. How did the Ming Dynasty represent "a return to traditional patterns of government and political philosophy"?
The Ming Dynasty