Between the settlement at Jamestown in 1607 and the Treaty of Paris in 1763, the most important change that occurred in the colonies was the extension of British ideals far beyond the practice in England itself. Changes in religion, economics, politics, and social structures illustrate this Americanization of the transplanted Europeans.
By 1763, although some colonies still maintained established churches, other colonies had accomplished a virtual revolution for religious toleration and separation of church and state. Britain had an established church, the Anglican Church or Church of England, which became the established church in the South, while most New England colonies established the Congregational Church. However, Roger William’s Rhode Island offered complete freedom of religion; Pennsylvania offered substantial freedom to Christians; and Maryland passed an Act of Toleration in 1649 when its Catholics were threatened with becoming a minority. The variety of religions and nationalities eventually doomed the concept of an established church in the American colonies.
In a similar economic revolution, the colonies outgrew their mercantile relationship with the mother country and developed an expanding capitalist system on their own.The main economic advantage in the North was the fact that it was in a good trading location and had good ports. That is why the North was mainly a industrial area, producing lumber, ships, naval supplies, distilled materials, and was also a supreme area for the triangle trade. The ship building and naval industry led to stength in the fishing and waling and the area was good for furs. These colonies were soon angered at the mother countries attempt to prevent self-sufficiency with the Navigation Acts and Molasses Acts, which led to the economic revolution, slowly merging them slowly into more capitalist economy.
Building on English foundations of political liberty, the