Organizational change is not so difficult process as it required by the time and management to structure or navigate. Organizations try to curve the rules, laws and the strategies; organization expects stakeholders to hold the change because an organization like change or it is fighting to overcome the current troubles and the failures. When organization planning to change its structure, they are well prepared and it never make a poorly-structured change. It is by nature that the poorly structured change fails and a well-structured one succeed. However the well structured change fail due to the poor communication system and it leads to fail an organizational process in long run. Sometimes also it happened that the badly-structured changes excellently executed, with the result that no one changes. Human behaviour and its nature is very complex and they are generally reluctant to change. Human being does not want to resist the change as they need to adopt the changes. Organization change is mostly
Bibliography: Organizational Change – Introduction of Organizational Change. 1997. Journal. Symphony Orchestra Institute. Dyer, William G. 1984 Strategies For Managing Change. Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.,. Galpin, Timothy J. 1996. The Human Side Of Change. San Francisco, California: Jossey-Bass Inc., Publishers,. Lippitt, Gordon, 1985.. Implementing Organizational Change. San Francisco, California: Jossey-Bass Inc., Publishers. Jaffe. T. 1995, Managing Change At Work: Leading People Through Organizational Transitions. Menlo Park, California: Crisp Publications, Inc., 1995.