Ajax Minerals and Perriers
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Ajax Minerals and Perrier
This report is mainly focusing on two different companies named, Ajax Minerals and Perrier. This report tells that how and in what circumstances these companies had to bring certain changes in their working criteria and in doing such changes what resistance they had to face from both, workers and Management’s side. This report will focus on those resistances that became a kind of hurdle and then how the companies took decisions and how did they try to solve their matters out. Ajax Minerals is a U.S bases mining company that supplied Minerals to the whole USA. On the other hand, Perrier, the French water company, is popularly known for the production of sparkling water. However in 1990, the finding of Benzene particle in one bottle caused a decline in the reputation of the company.
Resistance in Ajax Minerals exercise Ajax mining company was doing its best with full capacity when it faced certain problem. The Management was seeing that within three to four years, the Pacific Rim companies would mine and ship the same Minerals to the U.S. and this thing would bring great competition for Ajax. The Management wanted to do something on immediate basis but it faced certain challenges. 1- Since there was a communication gap between the management and the workers, so the workers really did not care about the current position of the company and the challenges that the management was facing. Only the leadership Management saw the threat and only they were aware of this. The supervisors and other workers of company who were working on hourly basis did not see this threat of competition and they were of the belief that the company was running in a good position and there was no difficulty being faced by the Management. They could only see that the company’s
References: • Austin, A. (2012). Management 6681. Problems at Perrier. SAGE learning • Hiatt Jeffrey, (2012). Change Management: The people side of change, paperback edition, 2012, Prosci Learning Center Publications. • Ian, P. (2005). Managing Change. Paperback edition. USA: McGraw Hill higher Education. • Kotter, P., 2012, Leading change, with a new preface by the Author, 2012, USA: Harvard business Review press. • Problems at Perrier. StudyMode.com. Retrieved 08, 2012, from http://www.studymode.com/essays/Problems-At-Perrier-1068189.html • Tomlinson R. (2004) Waters at Perrier, Retrieved June 4, 2012 from http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune_archive/2004/11/29/8192716/index.htm