On the other hand I address this question to you: Should the law on cannabis be changed? Whilst the war on drugs is becoming more conspicuous, this has a direct effect on pro-legislation political groups making them more prominent. Whilst a large minority of politicians resist the reforms that these groups offer, it is extremely important to reflect that the legal and regulated use of cannabis can in fact in some ways be a positive thing, where those with medical problems are concerned, and in surprisingly helping to ease the strains of the recession.
War on drugs is a huge burden upon the Government, and the taxpayer. In 2010, Home Office figures revealed there were 158,000 convictions for cannabis possession. This visibly shows that the war on drugs has not cut drug usage, but instead has led to organized criminals growing and importing cannabis, whilst most likely causing a great number of deaths in the process where rival gangs meet.
In the current system, if found with 112 (or more) grams of cannabis, one can receive a maximum of 14 years in prison for intent to supply, and with the cost of keeping a prisoner being roughly £40,000 per year, I again ask; Should the law be changed? Surely it makes more sense to regulate it rather than continuously fighting a losing battle
Studies by Yale University School of Medicine advise that cannabis is not understood to be a primary cause of schizophrenia, but instead the drug may trigger the
Bibliography: Websites http://ukcia.org/wordpress/?p=906 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-205748/Cannabis-law-change.html Books Changing Law: Rights, Regulation And Reconciliation By Rosemary C. Hunter, Mary Keyes