Thanks to Ariel, Annie, Claire, Bill and Alannah who contributed to this Response sheet.
Learning Activity 11.1 – Case Study on HIV/AIDS
1. Create a mind map showing the impact of HIV and AIDS on Kunthata’s life. You can use the template below or devise your own.
Below are just a few ideas regarding the impact of HIV/AIDS on Kunthata’s life. As I’m sure you can imagine, there were MANY possible impacts that you could have identified. Better answers were not just those that affected her physical health and development, but all components of Kunthata’s health and development. Believe it or not, there were some positives on Kunthata’s life (see below) and these were listed also. Thank you to Claire who provided the majority of the ideas listed below.
Social effects:
Could not go to school, avoided her friends, friends avoided her, social exclusion (shunned by community)
Physical side effects:
Weight loss, frequent coughing, skin rashes, skin cancer developed from HIV
Emotional effects:
Embarrassment, distress, depression (no reason to live), feelings of hopelessness
Family life:
No mother, no father, death of cousin. No other siblings – grandmother appears to be only family present.
Apart from everything else mentioned, Kunthata MAY die, and will always have to modify her lifestyle to live with her condition.
Taught her to be strong, think positively, community involvement through HIV/AIDS support group
2. Explain how being diagnosed with HIV/AIDS may affect Kunthata’s health and development? Thank you to Ariel whose response we used to help us write this section of the response sheet:Physical Health:Being diagnosed with HIV/Aids completely changed Kunthata’s life. Although she had always been suspicious of her inability to gain weight and the rashes she often got, she stated that it was as if her death sentenced was confirmed on the day