Best Cotton Mill PVT, Ltd -Tirupur.
DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL If managed properly, distributors provide access to customers that can determine a supplier’s reach, revenue, and long-term growth potential. Companies with productive channel relationships stand to increase sales, reduce operating costs, and improve customer reach. Importantly, effective distribution channel management delivers benefits to all players in the value chain, often by increasing the size of the market or capturing a greater share of customer wallet through the channel. Proper distribution planning can ensure that the best available channels and distribution methods are in place to efficiently move products and services to customers.
* To care and contact with the working of an organization and to see the different types of marketing activities. The main emphasis is on the distribution Channel aspect of the organization
* .Whatever the subject taught in the class room of MBA course that is completely theoretical. So during the training period we compare how the marketing research (sales) activities (practical) of our organization with the theories
* Find the depth and width of distribution channel adopted by Best Cotton Mill Pvt. Ltd. Tirupur and compare them with those followed by competitors
* To ascertain the consumer brand perception of cotton with respect to price, product, quantity and advertising
Importance of distribution channels * maintain good relationships within their distribution channels * Selecting the right distribution channel * simplification of distribution systems * directly-managed store to enhance their brand image and to get more direct income; * long-term strategic decision
SCOPE OF THE STUDY The main scope of this study is to ascertain the effectiveness of channel of distribution and various methods to increase the sales