Student: ___________________________________________________________________________
1. Information search may occur for the appropriate evaluative criteria for the solution of a problem.
True False 2. All of the brands that a consumer would consider for the solution of a particular problem are known as the evoked set.
True False 3. Consumers engage in external search when the perceived cost of search is more than the perceived value of the search.
True False 4. Product categories characterised by a high degree of product differentiation are also characterised by relatively extensive external search.
True False 5. Higher levels of perceived risk generate external search to …show more content…
A brand in a product category characterised by extended decisions that is not in the evoked set requires a(n) ________________ strategy.
A. maintenance
B. disrupt
C. acceptance
D. preference
E. None of the given answers. 43. A brand in a product category characterised by habitual purchase decisions that is in the target market's evoked set needs a(n) _______________________ strategy.
A. maintenance
B. intercept
C. acceptance
D. preference
E. None of the given answers. 44. A brand in a product category characterised by limited purchase decisions that is in the target market's evoked set needs a(n) _______________________ strategy.
A. disrupt
B. intercept
C. acceptance
D. preference
E. None of the given answers. 45. A maintenance strategy is:
A. a strategy for maintaining consumer interest in a brand.
B. a strategy for maintaining brand loyalty.
C. a strategy for maintaining current consumer behaviour.
D. a strategy used by marketers to maintain current purchase behaviour in a situation where the brand is purchased habitually by the target market.
E. a strategy used by marketers to maintain current purchase behaviour in a situation of low involvement. 46. A disrupt …show more content…
is marketing communications, such as comparative advertising, that is used to disrupt the decision making behaviour of the consumer.
C. is used in high involvement situations where the consumers may display high brand loyalty to a product.
D. is used in low involvement situations where consumers exhibit habitual purchase behaviour. 47. A capture strategy is:
A. marketing communications that are used to capture the consumer's attention.
B. capturing the consumer's attention by using different tactics in the servicescape environment.
C. used by marketers when the brand is in the target market's evoked set and consumers engage in limited decision making.
D. used by marketers when the brand is in the target market's inert set and consumers engage in limited decision making. 48. An intercept strategy is used when:
A. an organisation in a shopping mall needs to intercept consumers who walk by a store.
B. the objective is to intercept the consumer during the search for information on the brands in the evoked set.
C. the objective is to intercept the consumer during the search for information on the brands in the inert set.
D. the objective is to intercept the consumer during the search for information on the brands in the evoked set and in the inert