“Davy” Crockett- Served as Tennessee senator in the House of Representatives and was killed in the Battle of the Alamo
Nicholas Biddle-Second and last president of the second bank of the United
Black Hawk-Native American leader who resisted the movement of his tribe.
Interestingly enough he died in Iowa and was buried on the banks of the Des
Moines River.
Sam Houston-American politician and soldier who helped secure the independence of Texas from Mexico. He was the 7th governor of Texas.
Martin Van Buren- Eighth US President, eighth US Vice President, and tenth secretary of state.
“Revolution of 1828”- Election of Jackson, breaking the trend of Virginia and
Massachusetts presidents, and began the ideas of electing the “Common man”
12th amendment- established the modern procedure for electing the Vice
“Corrupt Bargain”- Election yielded a tie between Henry Clay, Andrew Jackson and
JQ Adams. The vote was taken to the house, where Henry Clay convinced them to elect JQ
Adams President, and Adams gave Clay Sec. of State. Many felt this was unjust as Jackson won the popular vote.
Peggy Eaton-led a starring role in the “petticoat affair” that damaged the credulity of Jackson’s administration.
“Spoils” System- System where presidents award those who helped them get to their position with jobs.
Focus questions
1. How did the events related to the election of 1824 influence the election of
a. Jackson easily won in 1828 as the public thought he was ripped off in the “corrupt bargain” of 1824
2. Why did the tariff issue also become an issue of nullification?
a. The south felt Jackson’s tariffs were unfair, so they attempted to nullify them.
3. How were Native Americans treated during Jackson’s presidency?
a. They were forced off of their land through what was known as the
“Trail of Tears.” This was a small difference from Jackson’s normal discrimination of Indians during and after the War of 1812.
4. During the Bank war, how did Jackson increase the power of the presidency?
a. He used- and, in some opinions, abused- the power of the veto to shoot down the bank which many felt to be very overpowered. However this was not
Jackson’s only motive, he believed the bank would stand between him and reelection. 5. What happened that eventually resulted in Texan independence from Mexico and why did the US avoid immediate annexation?
a. Mexico had recently earned its independence, and actually asked for some American settlers to help populate the area. Americans seized this opportunity of course to revolt from within, and fought to win Texas. The North greatly and ferociously opposed the annexation of Texas.
6. What distinguished the 2 party system, which resulted after the 1840 election, from the earlier 2 party system, and what were the philosophical and policy differences between the Democrats and the Whigs?
a. These were full parties, with organization, bound to last over the previous party
American systemNational Bank
Federal Funds for internal improvements
Protective tariffs
Concerned with
Crime associated with immigrants
Base of Voter support
New England and the Mid-Atlantic states
Protestants of English heritage
Urban Professionals
Local Rule
Limited Government
Free Trade
Opportunity for white males
Concerned with
National bank
High tariffs
High land prices
Base of Voter support
South and West
Urban Workers
Rise of Jacksonian Democracy
1. Politics for the People
a. They were mostly white men that owned land
b. Davy Crockett- semiliterate, ran for congress and was elected mostly because of his power with a rifle,
c. “Jeffersonian Democracy proclaimed that the people should be governed as little as possible” and later added that the governing should be directly to the people
d. New Democracy- based on the universal white manhood suffrage, all men could hold office without owning any land beforehand, if they stumbled they only stumbled forward
2. Nourishing the New Democracy
a. Steady Growths- market economy, increased the number of people who understood how banks, tariffs, and internal improvements affected the quality of their lives
b. Monroe’s 2nd Term- blamed by many workers and farmers on the banking irregularities and speculation, the panic nurtured burning resentment at the government-granted privileges, farmers as a result could not pay debts and subsequently lost their farms,
c. “Corruption”- the previous rulings seemed to be enveloped in favoritism and mocked the democratic principles,
d. Election of 1824- ¼ of eligible voters came out to vote, campaigning actually started to pick up
i. “King Caucus”- Crawford, had been selected by the congressional clique,
Adams-Clay “Corrupt” Bargain
a. Election of 1824- Adams was elected after the behind the scenes work that Clay did, Jackson was very vocal about this and said how it was unjust
b. “Republicans”- all the presidents were claimed to bed Republicans even though it wasn’t an actual party at the time
c. Clay- went behind everyone’s back to support Adams because he hated
Jackson and Adams was eventually elected because of his support
A Yankee Misfit in the White House
a. John Quincy Adams- was a very successful secretary but he was not a successful president, more of a thinker than a politician
b. Political Spoils Man- Adams didn’t want to kick out anyone who opposed of him to bring in supporters, he only removed 12 men but his supporters wanted more gone
c. Nationalistic Views- the country almost saw him as a man who betrayed others to get his way because of the Adams-Clay relationship, this turned people away from nationalism and back to sectionalism and state’s rights
d. Adams proposals- wanted a national university, supported an astronomical observatory similar to Europe’s
i. Land proposals and the Indians- antagonized the westerners because of Adams foolishness, Georgians wanted the Cherokees out, almost had to resort to the use of Military to protect the
The Tricky “Tariff” of Abominations
a. General Tariff- wanted to manufacture the president instead of protecting manufacturers, would push the duties to as high as 45% on raw materials
b. John C. Calhoun- supported the mild Tariff of 1816 even though they completely reversed their positions, saw that the future of the North was manufacturing and that the South was with farming
c. The South and the Tariff- very very upset about the tariffs, branded it as the “Black Tariff”, saw it as potential future threat to their slavery, also saw the Missouri Compromise as a threat
Tariff Yoke in the South
a. Yankee Tariff- discriminated against the South because of the enclosing money issues, sold products in unprotected markets and bought from heavily protected markets
b. South’s objections- higher prices meant less purchases, this meant
England would buy less cotton to make textiles, The South would suffer as importers and exporters because of this
c. Affect the next election- the use of nullification became a present theory, Jackson was expected to sympathize with the South
d. Future Tariffs- no other states would join in South Carolinas rage against the tariffs,