Chapter 14 Managing Projects
1 True-False Questions
1) An information system project's scope is directly related to its business requirements.
Answer: TRUE
2) An information systems plan contains a statement of corporate goals and specifies how information technology will support the attainment of those goals.
Answer: TRUE
3) If an intended benefit of an IT project is improved decision making, managers should develop a set of metrics to quantify the value of an improved decision.
Answer: TRUE
4) Scoring models are used most commonly to support decisions rather than as the final arbiters of system selection.
Answer: TRUE
5) Transaction and clerical systems that displace labor and save space typically produce more measurable, tangible benefits than management information systems.
Answer: TRUE
6) More timely information is a tangible benefit of information systems.
Answer: FALSE
7) Intangible benefits cannot be immediately quantified but may lead to quantifiable gains in the long run.
Answer: TRUE
8) A benefit of using TCO analysis to evaluate an information technology investment is that it is able to incorporate intangible and "soft" factors such as benefits and complexity costs.
Answer: FALSE
9) Real options pricing models use the concept of options valuation borrowed from the financial industry.
Answer: TRUE
10) The relationship between users and information systems specialists has traditionally been a problem area for information systems implementation efforts.
Answer: TRUE
2 Multiple-Choice Questions
1) The major variables in project management are
A) scope, time, cost, and performance.
B) scope, time, cost, quality, and risk.
C) time, cost, quality, performance, and risk.
D) time, cost, scope, and performance.
Answer: B
2) At the top of the management structure for information systems projects in a large company is
A) project management. B) the CIO.