The endless sun and salt continues to deteriorate everything on the lifeboat, including Pi and Richard Parker. Malnourishment becomes obvious, they are both extremely thin and weak as they sleep away the days; Pi using his dream rag. During a brief rainstorm, Pi touches Richard Parker for the first time when the tiger is lying motionless. Pi believes the tiger and himself will die shortly as his last diary entry is: I will die today. Pi runs out of ink.
Chapter 90
Richard Parker and Pi go blind, caused by extreme dehydration and malnutrition. Pi fears he has failed as a zookeeper as he is no longer able to care for the tiger. Pi has little to no hope of surviving at this stage. At a point where Pi believes he is near death he says a farewell to Richard Parker when he hears a voice …show more content…
A storm hits the island but its waves are merely absorbed by the island. Pi discovers that the trees are actually part of the algae itself. Pi guesses that the island is not rooted to the earth, but is a huge free-floating organism.
Pi begins training Richard Parker again making the tiger jump through hoops. Pi spends his nights in a tree where he witnesses the meerkats fleeing the land and climbing the trees to sleep. One night Pi wakes up and sees more dead fish floating up in one of the ponds, none of the meerkats descend from the trees, in the morning the fish all disappear. Pi begins questioning the nature of the island.
Days later Pi finds a tree that seems to have fruit. He climbs it and picks one, noticing how light it is. He peels away its many layers. The adult Pi interrupts to wish that he had never found that tree or examined its fruit too closely. Back in the story, Pi reaches the center of the fruit and finds that it is a human tooth. Horrified, he picks more fruit and finds that they are all