Reviews of Related Literature and Studies
This chapter primarily presents the different researches and other literatures form both foreign and local researchers, which have significant bearings on the variables included in the research. It focuses on several aspects that will help in the development of this study. The study is generally concentrating on the feasibility of creating an Alumni Website for Tarlac College of Agriculture. The literatures of this study come from books, journals, articles, electronic materials such as PDF or E-Book, and other existing theses and dissertations, foreign and local that are believed to be useful in the advancement of awareness concerning the study.
Foreign Literature
The Lovely Professional University (2011) promotes a culture of paperless University. The day to day administration and most of the University procedures are carried out online. The University Management System (UMS), an online portal of University, is one such innovative step of the University to provide vital information regarding academics and other University logistics for assisting the University students, their parents and the staff.
According to Wikipedia (2014), in the past, universities and large school districts in particular have created their own bespoke student record systems. One such example is the Repository of Student Information (ROSI) system at University of Toronto. With growing complexity in the business of educational establishments, most organizations now choose to buy customizable software, and increasing numbers are buying software as a service (SAAS). Most student information systems in use today are server-based, with the application residing on a central computer server, and being accessed by client applications at various places within and even outside the school. But student information systems have been moving to the web since the late 1990s and that trend is accelerating as institutions replace older systems.