Review of Related Literature
In less than a generation, computer technology has revolunized business all over the world. This has brought about changes in the area of business, finance, industry, government, agriculture, education, health care, sports and even on our personal lives. Today, computers do much of the works. Data collection continues to become easier and easier, data processing is getting faster and faster, mathematical calculations continue to be performed with increased precisionand information is being provided to users in generally more useful forms. Such that was made possible through the use of electronic files and database.
This chapter presents some of the previous related works relevant to the understanding of the problem. In order to gather information, the authors used books, thesis and encyclopedia. The wide spread development of digital technology also results to parallel advance in software, which allows this technology to be used by persons other than computer experts. The database has become a central organized framework for information system, taking advantage of the concept of data independence that allows sharing among diverse system – organized collection of data maintained and used with the aid of management information system (mis). It is a state of the art information system process and retrieve information ever faster, they are more robust in terms of the volume of data that they can process and in terms of reliability; and their performance is more cost-effective. The central component of information system, the database may be distributed over a number of processor in different geographic locations, yet queries can processed simultaneously against the composite database.
Managing a database is inherently a complicated task. Fortunately, software packages called database management system can do the work. A database management system is comprehensive software tool that allows user to create, maintain and