1. Cities created opportunities for unskilled citizens to find work in factories and make a life for themselves. This clearly appealed to immigrants who would find it difficult to overcome the language barrier in other types of work environments, but also to the lower class Americans. These job opportunities also were a step up from the tenant farming that many African Americans had been pushed into in previous years. However, due to the large number of immigrants, social tension was high between these newcomers and the nativists over the competition for work. Furthermore, because immigrants had to be willing to work for lower pay I order to find work, regular citizens found themselves out of work if they wanted to join unions. Child labor was another immoral practice within cities. Developed due to the monetary needs of families in cities, every family member was needed to work, and often children would be put to use in factories in unsafe conditions. 2. Globally, urbanization was increasingly common, and cities all over began to develop and grow. Industrialization and the need for manufactured products were always growing, and thus American urbanization was inevitable. However, America, thanks to the unrestrictive nature of laws, had a big pull factor to immigrants. Specifically, religious freedom was a bonus in America. This caused mass immigration, which led to more urbanization due to the flocking newcomers to big cities. Due to all this attraction to cities, living space was quick over crowded, which caused a decline in health and safety for the city dwellers. Poverty, disease, and waste littered the busy streets, and paired with the fact that many citizens did not share a common language, city life became a rather poor.
3. Decades before, immigration was fueled primarily because America had religious freedom, and that other countries were having economic hardship. The