I. Overview
A negotiable instrument (also known as commercial paper) is a signed writing (or electronic record) that contains an unconditional promise (无条件承诺) or order to pay an exact amount, either on demand or at a specific future time.
A negotiable instrument can function as a Substitute for cash or as an extension of credit.
Check: Substitute for cash
Promissory note (本票): Substitute for an extension of credit
For a negotiable instrument to operate practically as either a substitute for cash or a credit device, or both, it is essential that the instrument be easily transferable without danger of being uncollectible.
UCC governs
Commercial paper -- UCC Article 3
Bank deposits and collections – Article 4
Warehouse Receipts and Bills of Lading – Article 7
Investments – Article 8
II. Types of Negotiable Instruments
Basis Types of Negotiable Instruments
Orders to pay
Draft (汇票)
An order by one person to another person or to bearer (持票人)
Drawer (开票人) – the person who signs or makes the order to pay
Drawee (付款人) – the person to whom the order to pay is made
Payee (收款人) – the person to whom payment is ordered
A draft drawn on a bank and payable on demand.
(With certain types of checks, such as cashier’s checks, the bank is both the drawer and the drawee)
Promises to pay
Promissory note (本票,期票)
A promise by one party to pay money to another party or to bearer
Maker (出票人) – the person who promises to pay
Payee – the person to whom the promise is made
Certificate of deposit (存款单)
A note made by a bank acknowledging a deposit of funds made payable to the holder or the note.
Negotiable instruments may also be classified as either demand instruments or time instruments:
A demand instrument is payable on demand – that is, it is payable immediately after it is issued and thereafter for a reasonable period of time.
A time instrument
III. Requirements for Negotiability
IV. Factors That Do Not Affect Negotiability