Deviance is behavior or characteristics that violate important social norms. The difference between how the dictionary defines deviance and how sociologist define deviance is what may be deviant in one place, at one particular time, may not be deviant in another place and time. Basically with times changing something may or may not be tolerated as acceptable behavior.
2. What is situational deviance? Are there different degrees of deviance? Explain.
Situational deviance is relative to a particular setting as well as dependent upon who is doing the defining. There are different degrees of deviance, there’s individual and system blame. The individual blame theory states that the normative social belief systems of society are functionally correct and contribute to a smooth and harmonious society. The theory of system blame states that deviant behavior as either a manifestation of inequality, or the attempts of the powerful to force their views of right and wrong on those with different views who are powerless to resist.
3. How do individuals choose group membership?
Individuals choose group membership by looking for a group that seems to have the stability one needs as well as choosing a group that reflects who we are-our consciousness and religious convictions.
4. What is anomie and how does it affect our choices?
Anomie is a state of normlessness characterized by the loss of sense of meaning and detachment from others in the society. Anomie affects our choices because an individual may choose a group that has altered values and is operating in a manner that society deems deviant.
5. Describe the process of groupthink. How does it happen and why?
The process of groupthink is when one feels that membership in a particular group is important, the individual may allow the group to pressure them into pushing one’s own values aside and rationalize or