Megasthene, Seleucid Emperor * Lived during late 4 and early 3 century bce. * Indika, long lost book, quotations of the respect on Indian land, people, and society. * Ant story * Monstrous human beings * Fertile land * 2 harvest/yr of grain * Pataliputra, capital * Near Ganges river with timber wall with 570 towers & 64 gates. * Large armies with war elephants * Ascetic lifestyles & veg diets * Wealthy land that supported a distinctive society with well-established cultural traditions
Mauryan Dynasty * Kingdom of Magadha * In 520 bce, Cyrus, Persia’s emperor created the Gandhara kingdom. * Alexander of Macedon crushed the kingdom. * Kingdom of Magadha took the spot of main leader of the region * Central Ganges plains * Wealth = fields and trade * 500 bcemost important State in NE India. * Chandragupta Maurya * First state to bring centralized and unified government * By 321 bce overthrew ruling emperors * 4 century bce conquered all N. lands * Kautalya – advisor of government * Arthashastra- book created to show principles of government and their power * Created a bureaucratic admin system * Son succeeded him in 297 bce. * Ashoka-grandson of Chandragupta * Reigned 268-232 bce * Gained the last piece of land, Kalinga. * Important to trade (from sea & land) * Conqueror > governor * Created the capital city of pataliputra * Encourage agriculture by irrigation systems. * Encouraged trade by building roads * Died in 232 b.c.e. & empire declined immediately
The Gupta dynasty * State in Magadha * Foundation laid by another Chandra Gupta. * Created alliance with powerful families to establish kingdom in 320 ce