Key Terms, people, and places
Biography question
Chart skills
Map skills
Williams the conqueror- king of England who beat Harold at the battle of Hastings
Common law-a legal system based on custom and court rulings
Jury- group of men sworn to tell the truth
King john- clever, cruel, and untrustworthy ruler who faced king Phillips II, pope innocent III, and his English nobles
Magna Carta- a great charter
Due process of law-clause that formed the basis of the right we know today
Habeas corpus- the principle that no person can be held in prison without being charged with a specific crime
Parliament- England's legislature
Louis IX- king of France who was deeply religious who persecuted heretics
1. William was used to being in constant danger and having jealous relatives.
Chart skills
1. Model parliament increases the power of the monarchy. Magna Carta limited the monarchies power.
Map skills
3. The French royal power kept increasing its lands. The English might challenge the French after 1328.
2. The monarchs in England and France expanded royal authority and laid the foundation for the united nation-states by setting up systems of royal justice that undermined feudal and church courts. They also organized government bureaucracies, Developed tax systems, and built standing armies.
3. Nobles and the Church were obstacles for monarchs who wants more power because they had more power than the monarchs.
4. William increased the royal power in England by Granting fiefs to the church and barons, keeping large amounts of land for himself, monitoring who and where castles were built, and requiring every vassal to swear first allegiance to him.
5. Magna Carta is important because it gave nobles certain rights and made it so that monarchs had to follow the law. Model parliament is important because it set up the framework for England's legislature.
6. Philip IV tried to collect taxes from the