
Character Analysis: Life As We Knew It

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Character Analysis: Life As We Knew It
In this novel, there are a lot of characters that take part in the story. But, they can only be expressed through the protagonist because it is from her point of view. So, all the characters are expressed through either actions or dialogue, but you don't know what they are thinking or what their thoughts are because they have to be shown through the protagonist, and the protagonist can't see the other characters thoughts.
In the book "Life As We Knew It", there are a lot of different characters throughout the book. All of the communication or action between the character has to be shown through Miranda because it is her point of view throughout the story. Miranda, the protagonist, is the only character in the book that you are able to see
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For example, during the book you never hear a conversation with, as an example, Matt and Jonny unless Miranda is in the room listening to them, or one of them may summarize the conversation to Miranda, but not word for word. Another example is the reader cannot see the actions of the other characters. How these actions are represented are similar to how the communication is represented. For example, when Miranda went over to Mrs. Nesbitt's house one morning, Miranda found Mrs. Nesbitt lying on her bed dead, but Miranda never knew for sure if she died in her sleep because she said, "I don't know when, but she was in bed and I like to think she died in her sleep. Her eyes were closed and she looked peaceful" (Pfeffer 290). What that quote is saying is that Miranda was hoping that Mrs. Nesbitt had died in her sleep. I can connect with Miranda because when my great-grandmother passed away, we hoped that she died peacefully in her sleep but we didn’t know for sure if she did or not. But she didn't know for sure because she wasn't there, and we don't know as readers because we can only see through Miranda's eyes, so if Miranda didn't see what happened, there is no way of us, the reader, to be able to see what is happening.

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