Student Name: Gretchen Parker
Dramatic Interlude/Play Title: He and She
Character Name: Ann Herford
Complete this sheet not as though you are yourself, but as though you are playing this character in the play. Type in your answers.
I come from…
My childhood was…
Happy, with three brothers and two sisters. I was the baby, youngest.
The experience that made the most lasting impression on me was…
Always at Christmas time. My father worked hard and made sure we had a happy time. My mother would always make hot chocolate and cookies for us.
Other characters in the play (and/or the playwright) describe me as…
Soft spoken, mild temperament, always pleasant.
I would describe myself as basically…
A loving wife who loves her family
My most distinguishing characteristics are…
I have a loving and nourishing personality
My favorite things are…
Drawing and painting and cooking
The things I hate are…
Yard work
I make the following discoveries in the play…
My husband is actually jealous of my success and shows a side of himself I had never seen. He plays the I’m a man and you do as I say card.
My voice sounds…
Soft but slowly starts to rise
My body moves like…
Calmly, I am still respectful and a lady
My superobjective in the play is… (the thing you most want)
I wanted my husband to win and also to recognize my sincere sacrifice in wanting him to use my work to help him win.
The obstacles I face are…
His ego, not that he lost, but I won. I won after he said my work was not fit to compete on his level. I also face now the ultimatum he said and his ego will not let him take it back.