Professor Tracey
English 250.122
08 September 2014
Essay #1: First Draft
What do human beings need in order to live? An individual needs food, water and roof over their head but in order to obtain these specifics, one needs money. The money that a person intakes is based around their job. The economy in America is at a slowdown, the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting more poor. Although, all individuals should be treated with equal respect regardless of their socio-economic status.
Respect should be given to people despite one 's socio-economic status because an individual 's background, disabilities, and the wealthy.
Ignorance in America stands very tall, no one has the knowledge of other peoples …show more content…
lives. Ignorant people will judge individuals on their job and how much one 's salary
An individual doesn 't just become unfortunate, there is always a background story, which is why people should respect others. Richard LeMieux was a accomplished businessman who created his own publishing company but new businesses sometimes fall and his did. LeMieux was one day in a luxurious home and the next day homeless living in his car with his dog. LeMieux always gave to the homeless, he understood even though he was rich but once he turned poor there was no one to help him. In the short story "The Lady in Red" by Richard LeMieux a man said, "Get a Goddamned job, you bum!” (McWhorter 235) The man assumes that he is a bum, no one know remembers when LeMieux was a successful business man. So, why should a homeless person deserve respect? The homeless person wasn 't always homeless, and a rich person wasn 't
G00236734 2 always rich. Which is why no matter what a person 's well being is, one should respect the individual.
People are often taunted for their disabilties, for instance physical, medical, speech, blind and/or deaf. Some of these individuals are not capable in obtaining a job due to their disabilities, which effects their socio economic status. People are not forthcoming on why they do not have job due to their disability, they do not want to be …show more content…
looked down upon or pitied. "Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and one of its units has reached a $50,000 settlement of a disability discrimination lawsuit filed by the U.S.
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in which the retailer was charged with failing to accommodate a
22-year employee who suffers from cerebral palsy” (Greenwald).
Celebral Palsy is a disability due to damage to the brain. People who have disabilities have the power to speak up and should be respected because even though they have struggles, they keep trying and don 't give up on living. ”It is illegal to harass an applicant or employee because he has a disability, had a disability in the past, or is believed to have a physical or mental impairment that is not transitory (lasting or expected to last six months or less) and minor (even if he does not have such an impairment).”(Disability
Discrimination). Disability discrimination is a serious issue in America, which is why there are laws the prohibit it. Regardless of their disabilities, they still try and even though Walmart is not the best job to have, a job is a job. No matter what job and salary people have, they should still be respected.
Everyone believes that the unfortunate is the only ones who are not respected due to their socio-economic status but it also the rich who get disrespected also.
People believe the rich just get richer but sometimes thats not the case. For example, Steve
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Jobs was not always rich, he started his company in a garage, he started at the bottom of the ladder and climbed up. Everyone believes that the rich do not do anything to be rich, they get connections, they fail, they try again. Alice G. Walton questions the rich and asks, "Does being rich make you mean, unfeeling, less humane, or do you need to have these characteristics in the first place, to help you climb the ladder?” (Walton)
People judge the rich for what they have to do in order to obtain the wealth but they do not look at what they have done for the economy or the world with their creations. The
People often look down upon the individuals who have a trust fund but do these individuals take advantage of it? “My mom claims she could have negotiated for a much larger settlement, but she chose an amount that meant my sister and I could do what we love but still be motivated to earn money. (For the record, that was a really smart move.)” (Feber) Caroline Feber a so called ‘trust fun baby” had the money but her parents still taught them how to be independent and gain their own money. The children were not spoiled and learned to value money. Regardless of a person 's socio-economic status being wealthy, they should still be well respected because they worked as hard as a Walmart employee does.
The world focuses on everyone 's socio-economic status, people will judge no matter what. It is one 's job to be the bigger person and respect an individuals socioeconomic status. People should respect an individuals socio-economic status because of an individual 's background, disabilities and the wealthy. No one should be looked down upon for their socio-economic status, people should be respected regardless.
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Works Cited
Disability Discrimination. U.S Equal Employment Oppurtunity Commision. USA.Gov.,
n.d. Web.
Feber, Caroline. Confessions of a Trust fun Baby. Learnvest. LearnVest, 20 May 2013.
Greenwald, Judy. Wal-Mart Settles Employee 's EEOC Disability Discrimination Lawsuit
For $50,000. Mediatec Publishing Inc., 22 Aug 2012. Web.
McWhorter T., Kathleen. Successful college Writing. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2012.
Walton G., Alice. Rich People Are Mean, But Does it Pay to Be nice?. Forbes.com LLC,
3 Jul 2012. Web.