Elizabeth Bennet’s wit is both humorous and intelligent. There are repeated instances within the story in which she proves her cleverness and liveliness. Elizabeth demonstrates her intelligence by acknowledging that marriage does not always bring happiness. This kind of decision would have had to invoke a lot of thought towards the future and shows a mind that is able to grasp larger concepts and does not just follow the crowd.
The dialogue between Elizabeth and Darcy reveals effectively the intelligence of both. Their forcefully expressed opinions provide us with ample indication of the strength of their personalities. She seems to convey the underlining message that they are both sharp but that they bring out the quickness in one another with their intense , quick discussions. Elizabeth is apt enough that she is able to push Darcy into awkward positions and he is quick-witted enough that he can reverse the situation right back on her.
Elizabeth Bennet is also very brave for the position in life that she is in. To not marry would put one in a very precarious situation financially and to be able to denounce tradition for the sake of one’s principles is foolhardy but brave.
The nature of Elizabeth Bennet is shown on the first