Mission Australia is a non-denominational Christian charity that help individuals to find safe and affordable housing, support disadvantaged children and families, empower troubled youth, assist people with mental illness and disability and much more. The majority of services delivered by the organisation is government funded where other services are relied on partners and the public. The goal of this charity is to reduce homelessness and strengthen communities across Australia through the inspiration of Jesus Chris, spreading the knowledge of the love of God. Mission Australia was established for over 155 years ago, shaped by the Christian foundation and values of compassion, integrity, respect, perseverance and celebration. There are over 3500 staff across Australia, together with thousands of volunteers who are determined to make a difference.…
The Salvation Army is an international Christian organization that began its work in Canada in 1882 and has grown to become the largest non-governmental direct provider of social services in the country. The Salvation Army gives hope and support to vulnerable people today and every day in four hundred communities across Canada and more that one hundred and twenty countries around the world. The Salvation Army offers practical assistance for children and families providing shelter for homeless people and rehabilitation for people who have lost control to their lives to an addiction. THESIS RIGHT HERE (This essay will…
ORGANIZATIONAL PROFILE: THE SALVATION ARMY The Salvation Army’s ethical and moral responsibility to the community stems back in history from its framework to the organization. “William Booth embarked on his ministerial profession in 1852, desiring to win the disoriented multitudes of England to Christ. He walked…
. Our organization was founded in September of 1940. It was incorporated in 1940 as well when more individuals were seeking their service. The mission of our organization is to assist the homeless. The purpose for this letter of intent is to have funds generated to the Denver Rescue Mission in the amount of $20,000.00individuals and families give them a place to stay on a cold night and feed them as well.…
During times of adversity, the Salvation Army has assisted families who have suffered losses due to fires or natural disasters. They have been instrumental in assisting low income families during the Christmas holidays by providing gifts for families through the Angel Tree project. The investment that the Salvation Army makes in our area motivated me to want to learn more about the organization. Recently, I was given the opportunity to volunteer at the Waco Salvation Army Food Pantry.…
References: About Us: Mission: The Salvation Army, International. (n.d.). Retrieved 26 Feburary, 2008, from The Salvation Army, International Web site: http://www.salvationarmy.org/ihq/www_sa.nsf/vw-sublinks/2AF3956053A88A5E80256D4E003B4965?openDocument…
According to Mel (2011), the Salvation Army is an international movement society, which is an evangelical entity of the universal Christian church. The Salvation Army is located in Gainesville, Florida. Its message is founded on the wisdom of the Holy Bible. Its ministry is focused on the need to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ through preaching and providing for human needs in Jesus name without biases or discrimination. The Salvation Army is led by a mission to assist people who are in need. The organization runs several programs focused to help the needy. Some of these vital programs are such as adult rehabilitation,…
Salvation Army is sheltering about 200 people at its units in capital city Kingston. It has its presence in Haiti since the last 130 years, provides a range of services including "corps worship centers, feeding centers, children's homes, a vocational training home for women, a men's hostel, a senior citizens' home, a residential school for the blind and visually impaired, kindergarten schools, daycare nursery centers, community centers, a medical clinic and an addiction rehabilitation center for…
I had an amazing opportunity to volunteer at the Salvation Army building on 4th Street, San Jose. The Salvation Army was founded by General William Booth and started in 1865. Since then it has grown to almost 1,150,666 members. It runs through the Protestant Church and they believe in the Holiness Movement. As of currently its headquarters is in London and they can be located in 127 different countries. The reasoning of its name is because it consists of officers, soldiers and adherents who are known as Salvationists. This means to bring salvation to those in need and to the poor.…
Mission Australia works collectively as a team to diminish homelessness and enhance communities throughout Australia. This is done through the services provided mentioned above.…
The Canadian government and individual Canadians are also frequent supporters of international aid initiatives to assist people in war torn or developing nations. Canada has also been a key endorser to many international treaties and plays a very important role in promoting positive change socially and physically. We all probably have heard about the Red Cross. Some of us might have seen it in action helping people in need all over the world. Red Cross is an international Organization, which is located in almost every country of the world. The Canadian Red Cross is a Canadian humanitarian charitable organization that has a made a goal to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity, not only in Canada but also around the world. The Canadian Red Cross provide a wide range of assistance to millions of people in Canada through health services, injury prevention, violence and abuse prevention, and by responding to and preparing for disasters. Doing this unites many different cultures to work together in the time of new challenges.…
Hunger has always been a serious issue and still is today. Many people experience food insecurity and feel shameful when going to food pantries or seeking assistance. We can reduce the negative stigma associated with food pantries in numerous ways. First spreading awareness of the need for food pantries will help change the stigma as people realize that the need is real. Then educating the public on the number of people in need of the food pantries because of their struggle with food insecurity will show how prevalent the need has become. Most of all volunteering in food pantries is a firsthand way to get involved and reduce the negative feeling associated with the need for assistance. These few things will be a great start in reducing the…
| * Bring together Aus. Churches in dialogue and practical cooperation * Work together to combat social justice issues i.e. racism * Discussion about faith-based issues * Work through commissions, networks and programs ie. Christian World Services (CWS) international programs i.e. Make Poverty History and the National Program on Refugees and Displaced People (NPRDP) * ATSI rights, reconciliation and living conditions…
The mission statement of the Salvation Army gives an overview of who they are and…
Being a nominee, I realize that the National Honor Society is an honor to be in itself. Since The National Honor Society is dedicated to helping the needy, children, the elderly and non-profit organizations. I feel that this is the right society for me because since I was a child, I have been noted for my exceptional empathy. My parents have always instilled in me a sense of responsibility and care for others. I feel obligated to utilize my gifts in an organization as prestigious as the National Honor Society. Over the past years as a scholar, I believe that I have demonstrated all four principles: scholarship, leadership, character, and service.…