Culture; practices and ways of thinking- behavior
Cultural organization by handy are
Miles and Snow's types culture organization
Power cultures; dominated that has grown as a result of entrepreneurial ( strategic decisions) abilities and personality.
Defenders; operate in stable, mature markets, through the cost reduction and specialization.
Role cultures; long-established, operate in stable environments, response slowly to the change, and decision. Ex: civil service
Prospectors; enjoy the challenge of developing, constantly monitor the environment, response quickly to the change.
Task culture: engaged in activities, projects in development, flexible multidisciplinary teams. Strategies planning.
Analyzers; are followers, learn from the mistake of others and tend to balance power between the centre and divisions with complex control systems.
Person culture; for the benefit of the members be rare in commercial businesses.
Reactors; like the Analyzers, then to follow rather than innovate, they are less conservative and sometimes behave impulsively.
Competence: is an attribute or collection of attributes possessed by all or most of the organization in a sector of industry. Are straight related with the development from resources and embody skills.
Core competences: are collection of attributes to a particular organization, the way in the organization apply more effectively than its competitors
Resources: there are five categories; human; financial, physical; operational and intangible. This resources to analysis we put it in tangible or intangible. " all the resources have competing demands made upon them so that's if they are used for one form of activity they cannot be used in other ways"
Tourism resource, are different from other industries in that free resources are vital part of the product( sea, naturally, climate and culture), to considerate in points: