My best-known documents are Letters of Papinian and The true interest of America impartially stated. You could say I wasn’t a popular guy until the tables turned in 1777. “Note I think it no difficult matter to point out many advantages which will certainly attend our reconciliation and connection with Great-Britain…” was the opening statement in The true interest of America impartially stated. I was one of the few who felt confining with Britain was of the truest benefit. I felt that too many have died during this war and if not settled, numerous more will continue to which just keeps decreasing our people. Ending the battle, uniting, giving mutual respect, is the way to save our people. On a business note, the cost of our trade will be over a tenth less than what it costs now! With that, our ties to Britain would also better our supplies and expand our services!
My best-known documents are Letters of Papinian and The true interest of America impartially stated. You could say I wasn’t a popular guy until the tables turned in 1777. “Note I think it no difficult matter to point out many advantages which will certainly attend our reconciliation and connection with Great-Britain…” was the opening statement in The true interest of America impartially stated. I was one of the few who felt confining with Britain was of the truest benefit. I felt that too many have died during this war and if not settled, numerous more will continue to which just keeps decreasing our people. Ending the battle, uniting, giving mutual respect, is the way to save our people. On a business note, the cost of our trade will be over a tenth less than what it costs now! With that, our ties to Britain would also better our supplies and expand our services!