This was our original graph, it was before we made the trend line go back 311 points to find where the graph intercepts the X axis. As you can see there are little or no error or anomalies in this data and the R2 value came out to be 0.99. This is an extremely accurate set of results and it is safe to say that they follow the same trend near perfectly.
This is my final graph, as you can see I have plotted the original points, but I have found the number which would make it intercept on the X axis. I then plotted the equation of the graph into a graphical display calculator, this gave me the x intercept which I found out to be -2940c. For an experiment in a School this is quite close to the actual number of -2730c
In conclusion this was a successful experiment because we got 0 Kelvin within 200c and I believe this is quite accurate. We can see from the results that the higher the temperature the high the volume of the Gas, this coincides with Charles law. Surprisingly there were no unseen errors in this experiment all the values seemed to come together near perfectly and the error percentage was only about 3% this is a very good error range.
Some major weaknesses of this experiment would have been the way we carried it out. I say this because when we were heating the bulb up sometimes it wasn’t completely under water this means that not the whole of the bulb was being heated. Other than this there is one more and that is that we didn’t repeat the experiment, this is due to our time management and we could do it again within the time of the lesson. If we held the bulb under water for the whole duration of the heating then this experiment could have possible been spot on the 0 Kelvin mark, but as