Charles Eastman was a young Dokota physician who went to Dartmouth College and Boston University. In 1890 he moved his practice as a physician to the Pine Ridge reservation in western South Dakota. His was part of Wahpenton and Mdewakanton Dakota tribe rather than Oglala Lakota and took pride in being Native. Upon his arrival, he experienced a disastourous dust storm and later would come across the aftermath of a massacre. The massacre was due to altercations of warfare on the northern Plains. The tribes consisted of the following: the Lokotas who were known as the Sioux from the western portion and the Dakotas who were known as the mdewakantons, Sisseton, Wahpekute, and Wahpeton from the east. The western tribes, the Lakotas, had claimed most of the northern Plains country which consisted of an area known as the Black Hills. Later, conflicts began to arise from neighboring regions, such as the United States. The United States insisted that they be allowed to access all the the regions resources. That's is when the Treaty of Fort Laramine was negotiated. This guarenteed the Lakotas ownership of the Black Hills along with hunting rights in South Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana. This promise lasted up until the discovery of gold was found in the Black Hills and therefore the United States broke all promises. They invaded the land of the Lakotas and reduced the portion of the land that was once theirs. None the less, the Lakotas felt cheated and were mortified by what the Americans had done to their homes, feed, and their families. Restricted in where they could set camp and where they could reside, many Lakotas, Yanktons, Yanktonais, and Santees began teaching the Native prophet in Nevada. Later, some of the Lakotas representitives met with Wovoka and brought back their own version of the Ghost Dance. " They believed that the shirts they wore in observing the ritual would make them invulnerable to bullets." In 1890 Daniel Royer, a federal agent, arrived at…