He shared thousands of classified documents with the enemy of the United States and its allies. Top secret documents labeled cosmic were also exchanged. Cosmic classification was used to label documents containing information on nuclear weapons. “Mr. Conrad gave away information on rocket bases in West Germany, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's secret oil pipeline in West Germany to resupply tanks, and on other military installations, according to West German and American officials. Previously, American officials had said that the spy network had disclosed secret NATO and American Army plans for the defense of Europe.” (Jeff Gerth 1). America was at the height of the Cold War. Conrad was selling information with Hungary, which gave the information to Russia. If a war occurred in Europe between the Soviet Union and NATO, the Soviet Union would have had the upper hand. Conrad and the spy ring were able to give the enemy NATO’s strategy in the event of a war and nuclear site…
He also attended high school in Greenville and graduated there as well. “From high school he went to Clemson University and graduated as a member of the Air Force ROTC Detachment 770” (1) “While at Clemson University he earned a major of Textile Management. He also played football, basketball and softball at Clemson” (2) The one thing that Maj, Rudolf Anderson is most known for is his tragic death. Although he was the only casualty during the Cuban Missile Crisis his death may have saved the whole world. Like I mentioned earlier Rudolf stepped up in a moment when no one would; and he had the courage to fly that plane over Cuba knowing that he could have been shot…
James Wilson was born in what is known as Ceres, Scotland on September the 14th, 1742. He was one of seven children, his parents where William Wilson and Alison Landall. James attended the Universities of; St. Andrews, Glasgow, and Edinburgh. Although he never finished his studies, and did not obtained a degree, in any of the Universities. When he first left Scotland he headed to British America in 1766.…
in the plot for the assassination of Kennedy. The CIA were not happy with JFKs…
Running for President in 1912, both Roosevelt of the Progressive Party, and Wilson of the Democratic Party, were competing for the progressive vote. In appealing to progressives, Roosevelt promoted his New Nationalism- the use of the power of the federal government to regulate big business. Wilson countered with his New Freedom, which emphasized restoring fair competition and the free market through remedial legislation and limited federal government. Fireworks resulted when the two explained their positions on the campaign trail. Wilson called Roosevelt a "self-appointed divinity" who would make people puppets of the government, and declared that "the history of liberty is a history of limited governmental power, not the increase of it. Roosevelt fired back.…
Wilson's first mistake was in October 1918 when he asked the American people to vote Democratic as an act of patriotism and loyalty. His strategy backfired, and Republicans won majority in the House and in the Senate. The President also formed a delegation of all Democrats and just one Republican for…
Charlie Wilson was a very bold person in the movie. One day Charlie gets urged by a Houston socialite Joanne Herring to visit Pakistan to meet President Zia. In the beginning of the meeting, Charlie is not really aware of what’s going on until President Zia tells Charlie to go visit the Afghan refugee camps in Pakistan to see what kind of disaster those people are seeing every day. It definitely opens my eyes and it opened Charlie’s eyes. A truck comes to bring food and people were fighting over it. You can see many afghans were dying from soviet Helicopters.…
Charlie’s actions are important because they reveal how we can make irrational decisions without knowing the dangers. Charlie was definitely being brave in choosing to do his surgery, for an act to be courageous, it must involve extreme risk or danger, but it should not be for a personal gain, it should be moral. Charlie agreed to do the surgery, but only because it was going to help him become intelligent. Sure, it would’ve helped his doctors improve the procedure for future trials. But, that doesn’t mean they are helping save someone’s life, they are only improving it temporarily. Earlier in the Flowers for Algernon movie, Charlie reveals how foolish and not courageous his actions were when he tried to use the mixer (in the factory he worked at), without proper training. For an act to be courageous, it must not be irrational. The equipment was dangerous, and Charlie could’ve gotten hurt. Later in the Flowers for Algernon movie, Charlie revealed how selfish he was when he stood up against Dr. Strauss in Chicago. It’s understandable that Charlie was standing up for himself, but he embarrassed Dr. Strauss even after all he had done for him. Charlie was acting like the sun, wanting planets (or everyone and everything) to revolve around…
Without any help whatsoever, Ames ruined all of the CIA’s connections in the Soviet Union. He went right ahead and told the Russians all the names of the “human assets” that the U.S. had working for them there. He cold bloodedly sold the KGB the names of twenty-five “sources.” Those poor people, all Russians, were soon arrested and were sentenced to what they call “the highest measure of punishment.” The person was to be taken into a room, made to kneel, then shot in the back of the head with a large caliber handgun so his or her face would be made unrecognizable. Their body was to be buried in a secret, unmarked grave to further punish his loved…
Woodrow Wilson was born on December 28th, 1856 in Staunton, Virginia. He and his siblings grew up in Augusta, Georgia and Columbia, South Carolina. Two years after his education at Davidson College ended; Woodrow Wilson entered Princeton University and graduated in 1879. After college Wilson became an attorney and in 1883 he changed his profile to a college professor because he was unsuccessful as an attorney. He then enrolled at Johns Hopkins University in a doctoral program to become a college professor like his father had been. In 1886, he received his Pd. D in political science and received scholarly recognition after the publication of his thesis. From 1885 to 1888 Wilson taught at Bryn Mawr College and later accepted a teaching spot at…
Chief of State: President Wilson was steeped in the tradition of Jeffersonian democracy and shared his faith in society. However, he lacked a common touch and did not feel for the individual as much as humanity. Wilson was most associated with scholars due to his academic background, and looked down upon lesser minds, including journalists and those he considered to be unintelligent senators. After World War I, President Wilson reached his peak of popularity and power and was viewed as a moral leader not just in America, but around the world. The people of France, England, and Italy welcomed Wilson when he arrived at the Paris Peace Conference.…
The events that transpired on August 2 and 4th of that year would spark outrage within American leadership and the American people at large, and drag us into one of the bloodiest wars in our history. The media's support at the time for retaliation is now considered by many to be dishonest, while many go as far as to claim there was a full scale cover up of what had actually happened at seas. The media's reaction was a product of the time however, displaying our fear and rivalry with communism and the absurd ends we would go to in order to fight the spread of it no matter the cost; especially with the eagerness McNamara urged President Johnson to escalate in…
Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista. The CIA had used obsolete World War II B-26 bombers, and…
Washington provided Afghanistan with 51.8 billion dollars between 2001 and 2010, about 56% of this money was spent on equipping, training Afghan forces while the other portion was spent on humanitarian, economic, governance and counter-narcotic programs. (Wahabuddin) With the money provided by the U.S. the Afghan population has greatly increased in these areas over the past decade, which is what we as a nation have been striving for so that we may bring this war to an end. The lives being sacrificed in this war with rising casualties has come at a great cost, but is leading to the Afghan nation to become a more stable country. In the article “Justifying sacrifice: Barack Obama and the selling and ending of…
lthough the long term causes of the Crimean War probably were more crucial, the immediate causes of the war — ostensibly, at least — were over religion, particularly over the protectorship of the Holy Places in Jerusalem. The Holy Land was part of the Muslim Ottoman Empire but also was the home of Judaism and Christianity. In the Middle Ages, Christian Europe and the Muslim east had fought the Crusades over control of this land. However, the Christian Church was divided into numerous small denominations. The Eastern Orthodox Church and Roman Catholic Church were the two major branches of Christianity. Unfortunately, these main denominations could not work together. Both of them wanted to control the Holy Places.…