COMM 1101
From the Find Articles & More tab of the library website, locate the following five database articles that deal with the dangers of global warming and climate change. If you have difficulty finding these resources through the library databases, contact the Embedded Librarian, Jodi Lommer, by posting a question to the Library Questions & Tips discussion forum.
“Study on Energy Use in China,” by X. Yan and R.J. Crookes, in the Journal of the Energy Institute.
“Lawsuit Aims to Alter Climate Report,” in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.
“Balancing Carbon Management and Renewable Fuels Production,” by Mark Fuchs and Chery Sullivan, in BioCycle.
“Global Warming, Dangerous Storms and Biomass Losses in the Oceans,” by Ben Korgen, in Sea Technology.
“Climate of Change,” by Brodie Ramin, in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.
In a Word document (name the document “01_YourName_Biblio”), arrange your complete citations in alphabetical order, by author if available; if no author is listed, arrange by title of the article. Compile entries in complete APA (American Psychological Association) format and include the following citation elements needed to cite an online journal article:
Author(s) Name(s)
Title of the Article
Title of Journal
Volume Number
Issue Number
Page Number(s)
DOI (Digital Object Identifier) OR URL of the article if no DOI is present
The alphabetized arrangement, use of capitalization, and formatting (using a hanging indent of one-half inch) should all conform to APA requirements. You can refer to the listed on the Write & Cite tab of the library website.
Once your bibliography is complete, submit it to your instructor