On the other hand, Luther had a different consumption of the word Grace, which was, “Grace without a price.” A grace that you live a life to honor and glorify God, a grace where you know that you don’t need anything in return when you serve others. As the article states, “The conflict between the life of the Christian and the life of the world was thus throws into the sharpest possible relief. It was a hand- to hand conflict between the Christian and the world.” Where Luther understood that Grace is purity and costliness, it extinguishes you from this world. Luther’s experiences taught him that his grace had a cost, and that he needs to live a life where he understood that.
Luther’s desire was to give his life to God completely because he acknowledge that living a life of sin and thinking grace can save you was not the right way to live. He mentions that many Christians leave the world for a moment to than live a …show more content…
Living a life like this for years brought me to notice I didn’t even have a firm relationship with God, but a relationship where I came to him when I needed him. We cannot just take for granted God’s grace because his grace was paid with a price, his only son died for our sins and he didn’t need or want anything in return. When you open your eyes to what he really did for us and how big his grace and love is you will start walking a life knowing God’s grace was paid with a precious