Some of the stunt in cheerleading can be dangerous if you do not perform them correctly like the shoulder sit. A shoulder sit is when the front spot reaches up and back and joins hands with the flyer then the flyer step into pocket on your thigh and she swings over one of her legs then another .As Craig Peters states in Chants ,Cheers and Jumps“The base stands in a right lunge position in front of the flyer and, extends her arms above her head, reaches …show more content…
As Craig Peters describes the routine in Chants ,Cheers and Jumps ‘’The flyer steps up onto the base's thigh with both feet and does a high v remembering to keep her feet together. The base wraps her right arm behind the flyer's knees and rests her hand just above the flyer's right knee to provide extra support.’’ Even Though this stunt can be very dangerous if not performed right it still one of the safest stunts that is performed in cheerleading.
Some people don’t know the difference between cheer and chants. Cheers are longer than chants and cheers are only played when the ball is not in play.Although cheers and chants are very similar Craig Peters explained it as “Cheers are generally longer than chants and are usually performed when the ball is not in play.’’ Chants are usually performed by the crowd and cheer are performed by cheerleaders.
Cheerleading is a dangerous sport but if performed with proper training it can be as safe as almost any sport. As I have stated above some stunts can be more dangerous than others but overall it can be a safe and fun sport only if you flip and stunt