As soon as I walked in I saw the other girls who tried- out with me for the past 3 days. I ran to my cousin (Who was also trying out) and I told her what happen. She starts to laugh hysterically.
“Stop it’s not funny” I snapped at her in embarrassment.
“Come one it is pretty funny, you go to admit.” She replied.
I chuckled under my breath and thought if this happens to some one else it would be pretty funny. Anyways Zianna and I practice the cheer and dance before we had to get into are small groups in a quiet room and present to the coaches. As we were practicing the couches came out of the room and explained the process that we would be going through.
“Ok girls, so this is how it is going to work.” She stated
“The first group will present the cheer, dance and jumps, then so on and so on.” She announce
“While each group presents the other groups will be waiting in the hall until it is there turn.” She