CHEM 102 – SPRING 2014
Study Guide: Exam 1
The following questions should assist you in your preparation for Exam 1, but does not include everything that you are responsible for knowing for Exam 1. Use your textbook, class notes, and past homework assignments in addition to this guide to prepare for Exam 1.
1. What are the differences between solids, liquids and gases with respect to molecular velocity, density, shape and volume?
2. What is surface tension?
3. What is viscosity?
4. Explain the processes by which matter can change phase. Which are exothermic and which are endothermic?
5. Rubbing alcohol is very volatile. What does this statement mean?
6. What is dynamic equilibrium? Vapor pressure?
7. How is the “normal boiling point” different from any other boiling point?
8. When do you use heat of vaporization and heat of fusion instead of specific heat?
9. What are intermolecular forces? Explain each one and their relative strengths with respect to one another.
10. Are water and oil miscible? Why or why not?
11. Explain and give an example of the following:
a. Ionic solid
b. Atomic solid
c. Molecular solid
12. What is a solution? Solvent? Solute?
13. What is a saturated solution? Super-saturated solution?
14. Explain and illustrate how MgCl2 dissolves in water.
15. Consult Figure 13.4. At 30 degrees Celsius, 40g of which solutes will completely dissolve in 100g of water?
16. How does pressure influence the solubility of gases?
17. Calculate the concentration of an aqueous solution that contains 15 grams of KCl in 50mL of water in molarity AND molality. Assume the density of the solution is 1g/mL.
18. You need to prepare 25.0mL of a solution of 1.5M HCl. Your lab provides you with 6M HCl stock solution. How do you prepare the solution you need?
19. What are colligative properties and list the 4 we discussed in class?
20. Draw an osmotic cell with a 1M NaCl solution on one side