Chemicals in Food
The average American eats about 1,996.3 pounds of food per year (Credit Loan). Just what exactly is it that they are eating? Between additives, pesticides that are sprayed onto fruits and vegetables, hormones that are given to cows, and the amount of pollution in water, the foods that people eat everyday may not be as safe as some would think. Even simple drinking water has been contaminated by illicit drugs, medicinal drugs, and hormones (National Geographic). Additives also cause a concern when it comes to consumers. Those hard-to-pronounce chemicals that are in the list of ingredients on the label are used for more than just flavoring, appearance, and preserving the food (Food Additives). Those additives are used in some other very harsh items such as bug repellent (Food Additives). However, there are some simple and sustainable options that can help consumers avoid running into harsh chemicals and additives that may be lurking in their food. These changes will not only help them make healthier and safer choices, but also help them to save some money in the long run. Many unanswered questions will be addressed within this paper such as: What are the hormones in some of the foods such as dairy and meat and what exactly are they used for? How do they affect us? What can consumers do to avoid purchasing these items? How can one avoid unsafe drinking water and are additives really that bad? According to Credit Loan, Americans consume on average 110 pounds of red meat a year, 600.5 pounds of dairy products (not including cheese), and 31.4 pounds of cheese a year (Food Consumption in America). The common theme here is that all of these food groups come from cows. It is not, however, that we are eating cattle and beef, but what that cattle is being fed into its body. “In 2005, 32.5 million cattle were slaughtered to provide beef for U.S. consumers. Scientists believe about two-thirds of American cattle raised in for slaughter today are injected with hormones to make
Cited: Dell 'Amore, Christine. "Cocaine, Spices, Hormones Found in Drinking Water." National Geographic. 26 Feb. 2010. Web. 16 Mar. 2012.
"Food Consumption in America." Food Consumption in America., 2012. Web. 20 May 2012.
Matthew, Hoffman, M.D. "Safe Food For a Healthier You." Web MD. Web. 16 Mar. 2012.
Sustainable Table. "The Issues." Sustainable Table. Sept. 2009. Web. 16 Feb. 2012.