Professor Stewart
CHM 151L-003
Group Members:
Melissa Spegal
Jessica Buddi
March 19, 2013
Megan Cochran
Professor Stewart
March 19, 2013
The objective of this lab was to carry out a systematic set of experiments in order to determine which combination of chemicals produce the brightest and longest lasting light, through chemiluminescence. Chemiluminescence can be defined as the emission of light by a chemical reaction that does not produce heat. Chemiluminescence can also be found in nature, where it is referred to as bioluminescence. This can often be found in many deep sea fish, algae, and fireflies.
Luminol is one of many chemicals that can be used to create chemiluminescence outside of nature. Scientists are very interested chemiluminescence because it could be very helpful in many real life situations such as in glowsticks. The military uses high-grade glowsticks to have light in field situations where electricity is not an option. Marine biologists and deep sea divers also use those glow sticks to provide light and make new discoveries in the deeps of the ocean or underwater caves.
During the chemiluminescence experiment the goal was to produce light during a series of trials in order to create light or a glow. In order to do this systematically, all chemicals were used to start and as it became apparent that some chemicals did not effect the outcome of certain trials they were eliminated one at a time. Because the trials were done systematically from one to the next, only one element of each trial was changed at a time,making it easy to single out the defining factors. There were many chemicals used during this experiment including Luminol, bleach, DMSO, NaOH, HCl, and H2O2. On the second day of trials, the Luminol was chilled to test the effects this would have on the glow we obtained through chemical reactions.
Results of Day 1:
Table 1: Trial | Luminol (D) |