Greenhouse gases and global warming have received increasing attention in recent years. The identification of the ozone hole in 1985 combined with unusual fluctuations in global temperatures have combined to capture the eye of the global media. Recent scientific study and analysis of the greenhouse gases has added to this interest. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have an important influence on the climate of our planet. Quite simply, greenhouse gases hinder the outward flow of infrared radiation rays more effectively than they impede the incoming solar radiation of the sun. Because of this imbalance, the earth’s atmosphere and its oceans are warmer that what they would be in the absence of these gases. [2]
Figure 1.1- A diagram showing a simplified illustration of the Greenhouse Effect. [9]
The major greenhouse gases are water vapor, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s), ozone (O3), and Nitrous Oxide (N20). [1] Of these, water vapor and CO2 are naturally occurring. Without these gases, the earth would be about 33 degrees Celsius colder than what it is, making it unsuitable for human inhabitation. [6] Human activity has contributed to the increased atmospheric concentration of CO2, CH4, and CFC’s. The possible warming of the earth’s atmosphere and subsequent increase in average temperatures is what is termed as the Greenhouse Effect.
The Greenhouse Effect is of a global nature. Release of greenhouse gases in any part of the earth disperses rapidly. Neither the activity resulting in the release nor the location of the release makes much difference. [3] The problem lies in the variety of human activities that result in these emissions. Since releases of greenhouse gases are connected to most economic activity, significant reductions in their emission can affect the economic strength of countries. [1] This holds special significance for the developing countries that rely on
References: 2. Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming: Mitigation, Adaptation, and the Science Base. National Academies Press. Washington D.C. 1992. 3 6. Christensen S., Aynsley Kellow. International Environmental Policy: Interests and Failure of the Kyoto Process. Northampton. Edward Elgar Publishing Inc. 2002. 7