Modified 11/07
Table of Contents
Chem 3373 Laboratory Schedule for Fall 2008.............................................................................2 The Benzoin Condensation of Benzaldehyde ..............................................................................3 Synthesis of Dilantin and Related Compounds (two weeks).........................................................6 Synthesis of an Alkaloid: Pseudopelletierine (two weeks) ............................................................9 Synthesis of 5,5-dimethyl-1,3-cyclohexanone ............................................................................11 Diels-Alder Syntheses of Polycyclic Compounds ......................................................................13 The Fischer Indole Synthesis: Preparation of 2-Phenylindole ...............................................16
Chemistry 3373f, Fall 2007
Page 2
Chem 3373 Laboratory Schedule for Fall 2008
Date (Week of) September 15 September 22 September 29 October 6 October 20 October 27 November 3 November 10 November 17 November 24
Activity Check-In and begin benzoin condensation Dilantin and related compounds continue dilantin lab pseudopelletierine, finish dilantin lab finish pseudopelletierine 5,5-dimethyl-1,3-cyclhexanone Diels-Alder Reactions Fischer Indole Synthesis, lab checkout Possibly a Written Laboratory Final Exam, other activity, review session, or nothing at all -
Report Due benzoin dilantin and others pseudopelletierine dimedone Diels-Alder Fisher Indole (submitted in lecture).
Generally, before you will be allowed to begin the lab, you must have in your notebook a drawing showing each separate reaction to be performed and then below the reaction in columns list the chemicals and reagents to be used, molecular weight, equivalents, mmol, wt, density (where applicable), mL (where applicable), bp (where applicable), mp (where applicable). There should also be a row for