The Chevy Volt case tells me the nature of the strategic decision making at a large complex organization like GM can be difficult and challenging due to having to convince other managers to agree with the ideas for new strategies. In the case it states that the two persons, GM’s vice chairman and the head of RD&D had already proposed to make the Volt in 2003 but were turned down by the other managers. However, in 2007 with the changes in the external environment the other managers agreed to back the project for the Chevy Volt.
With the chevy volt case we came across to the point of realizing that strategic decision making entails serious processes of analyzing from raw facts of ideas to reviewing previous transactions and activity based decisions. Aside from it we’ve come to know also that decision making is at the heart of what organizations do. Managers must contend with high levels of uncertainty, multi-functional teams, and changing competitive landscapes. Besides making short-term tactical decisions, there is a growing need for long-term, strategic decision making.
2. what trends in the external environment favored the pursuit of the chevy volt project? The trends in the external environment that favored the pursuit of the Chevy Volt project are surging oil prices, Telsa Motors introducing their lithium ion sports car to the market, increasing concern for global warming which may lead to tighter regulations designed to limit carbon emissions, the costs of manufacturing lithium ion batteries was falling, and Toyota’s best selling hybrid called the Prius. The rise of oil prices leads to increased gas prices and as a result consumers demand for fuel efficient cars increased which was proven by the number of Prius’ sold by Toyota.
3. What impediments to pursuing this project do you think existed within GM?
The impediments to