Journal Entry Prompts | Specific Textual EvidenceRecord the passage and page number | Journal ResponseProvide at least one specific adjective to describe Capote's attitude toward the given subject; then, explain how the selected passage supports that interpretation. Type responses.See the model on the previous page. | 1. Find at least one passage that describes Capote's attitude toward the town of Holcomb. | “The village of Holcomb stands on the high wheat plains of western Kansas, a lonesome area that other Kansans call ‘out there.’ . . .The land is flat, the views are awesomely extensive; horses, herds of cattle, a white cluster of grain elevators rising as gracefully as Greek temples are visible long before a traveler reaches them.”pg. 3
| Peaceful. Holcomb is a place where everybody is friendly and isolated. The landscape itself is very peaceful and serene, he even compares it to ancient Greece. The people of Holcomb only associate with the people of Garden City so everybody is very close-knit. | 2. Find at least one passage that describes Capote's attitude the Clutter Family (collectively or individually). | “die-hard community booster” pg. 21 | Popular/Well known. Capote says this specifically about Herb, although Herb isnt the wealthiest person in Holcomb he still is always working for the community. Even the way he describes Herb makes him look like the perfect man. Everybody in Holcomb knows, respects and likes the Clutter family. The rest of the Clutter family are simply ideal people especially the kids. The mother, Bonnie is different she is always ‘nervous’ with some psychological disorder. | 3. Find at least one passage that describes Capote's attitude toward Perry Smith. | "There was this one nurse... she'd fill a tub with ice-cold water, put me in it, and hold me under till I was blue. Nearly drowned. (128) | Innocent. Perry has reasons to be the way he is, thats what Capote is getting at because he had a