On July 27, 1919, a young African American boy named Eugene Williams swam past a popular public beach on Lake Michigan, in Chicago. He was stoned by several white men, knocked unconscious and drowned. His death was the incident that set off the bloodiest riot in Chicago’s history. When the local police were called to the scene, they refused to arrest the white man allegedly responsible. Rumors began to run throughout the city, this triggered the fight between gangs of African Americans and whites. Violence spread throughout the city, causing ,Over 23 blacks and 15 whites were killed, 500 more were injured and 1,000 blacks were left homeless (Shogan 96). …show more content…
The Chicago race riots of 1919 played an important role in history for the reason that it shocked and divided many Americans.
This incident proved how the police did little to stop the racial discrimination that was been done against African Americans, which only enraged the black population. Not only that but it also angered many whites who wanted to keep controlling the African American community. This incident caused African Americans to stand up and fight for equality. Unfortunately, this incident only caused the violence to increase racial discrimination against blacks rather then aiding them in moving toward
equality. After reading about this incident I was stunned. Racial discrimination has always been around, but the idea of a young man being stoned to death was just unbelievable. Its amazing how society has created a powerful invisible line of segregation. A line that has caused many cultures to be divided, and also many violent attacks that have taken several lives. The different relations and ignorance between other cultures were factors that served as a catalyst towards the riots of 1919. Society needs to stop this form of violence instead of creating an invisible line that only destroys our cultures. The Chicago riot of 1919 brought society negative consequences. Not only was a young man killed but it triggered a riot that ended many lives as well as left many injured. This incident failed to improve racial conflict between blacks and whites. The violence only encourage both cultures to fight back in order to keep one another under control. It did little to improve the real issues that needed to be fixed.