by:Melissa Lecouffe
Table of contents
1-Definition on child abuse
2-Types of child abuse
3-Effects of child abuse
4-Dangers of child abuse
5-How to stop child abuse
Definition of child abuse
Child abuse is any form of physical, psycological, social, emotional or sexual maltreatment* of a child. It could be endangering the survival, the safety, the sefl-esteem, the growth and the development of the child. Child abuse is more than just bruises and broken bones. Not all child abuses are obvious.
Types of child abuse
There are different types of child abuse. However the core* of child abuse is all the same. It always leaves a huge effect on the child. Children need predictability*, structure, clear boundaries and the knowledge that their parents are looking out for their safety. An abused child cannot predict how their parents will act at any minute. The world to them is an unpredictable, frightening place with no rules. It could be a slap, a harsh comment, a stony silence or not knowing if there will be food on the table. In the end, this child feels unsafe, uncared for and totaly alone. The four main types of abuse are: neglect, emotional abuse, physical abuse and sexual abuse.
1-Neglect: Failure to give due attention or care to a child resulting in serious emotional or physical harm.
Child neglect is one of the most common forms of child abuse. It is a pattern of failling to provide for a childs basic needs. Whether it is to feed the child in question, clothe them, make sure their hygiene is taking care of or just to have parental supervision for the young ones. This type of child abuse is hard to detect. In some cases child neglect can be caused by alcoholic parents, drug abusers, anxiety or untreated depression. Making the parents unable to keep their children safe and putting them in dangerous situations.
2-emotional abuse: Verbal attacks or demeaning* actions that impact on a childs self-esteem and self worth.
References: Pictures from google: Information: -from myself - a friend whose been abused as a child -movie called: Liar, Liar between father and daughter -internet site: