Child Abuse
Introduction to the theme
Gelles and Strauss (1979, p. 15) assert that: "A person is more likely to be hit or killed in his or her home by another family member than anywhere else or by anyone else”. Why is there so much violence in modern man - or is it not a contemporary phenomenon?
The term "family violence" refers to several types of violence, for example child abuse, incest, family murder, spouse abuse or battering. In this theme the focus will be on child abuse in particular.
Family violence is often the culmination of various interactive socio-psychological factors combining to drive the potentially violent family member to the point where s/he acts violently.
Only very rarely can any particular factor be singled out as the only etiological factor. The interaction among various factors plays an important part in creating the climate for violence. In such a climate, aggressive acts can frequently be the reaction to stressful life situations and demands, especially if support systems are lacking.
Browne’s ecological model, derived from ecological psychology, offers a meaningful framework within which child abuse, which is a complex phenomenon, can be explained (consult the article by Browne, 1988). The ecological approach perceives child abuse as a function of individual, family, social and cultural factors. Different models may be used within this perspective to explain the interacting factors that cause and maintain child abuse. (A mere listing of these factors will not be regarded as satisfactory.)
Include the following points in your exploration of this theme
The aim of this theme is to identify, explain and describe the interactions among the various factors that play a role in the etiology and maintenance of child abuse. Note that the ecosystemic theory differs from Brown’s (1988) ecological perspective.
Construct a clear definition of family violence, with special reference to child abuse.
Note that the