Children are usually abused by someone in their immediate family cycle. This can include parents, brothers, sisters, babysitters and other familiar adult. Children can be abused by age of up to 18 years and they likely to be at risk of physical injuries, sexual abuse, neglect, emotional abuse or verbal abuse. Child abuse can have major long term effects on all aspects of a child’s health, development and well being. The main forms of maltreatment are: Neglect sign; A child come to school usually with dirty skin, hair and clothes or without jacket in winter. Children in the school may feel hungry and tiredness or being left alone unsupervised. Even then they are sick not taken to GP for medical treatment. A child frequently absent from school and beg steal food or money.
Possible symptom: A child appear to be indifferent and a child seems apathetic depressed. Also the a child behave irrationally or in a bizarre manner.
Impact of neglect: Impact of neglecting a child can cause brain damage and also have psychological implications such as cognitive delays or emotional difficulties. Psychological problem often manifest as high risk behaviour problem, depression and anxiety in children
Emotion abuse: When a child feel furious, sad and crying and behaving inappropriately in the class that mean he is being emotional abused.
Sign: When a child is being emotional abused he may chose dark colour to paint on the paper. Feeling low self esteem, seeking attention from others, behaviour difficulties, continual rocking, hair twisting, delayed development
Possible symptom: CYP will delayed in languages development and play skills and have impaired ability to enjoyment in play. Not trusting other and feeling nervous all the time. CYP will feel guilty, ashamed and withdrawal of social interaction. Their
References: Describe That Possible Signs, Symptoms, Indicators and Behaviours That May Cause Concern in the Context of Safeguarding. Describe That Possible Signs, Symptoms, Indicators and Behaviours That May Cause Concern in the Context of Safeguarding (5/11/2012) Recognizing Child Abuse and Neglect: Signs and Symptom Meggitt C (2011) Cache Level 3 Diploma Children and Young People Workforce.Oxon.HOODER EDUCATION .