Child abuse and neglect is an issue that is too big for service providers to ensure for safety alone. The community needs to get both involved and educated to help stop or at least reduce the problem of the abuse and neglect of children. “We have to build communities from the inside out in order to make change. And if we are going to ensure child well-being and reduce violence, we are going to need thousands of people working on it—not just service providers, but community residents as well” (Fullwood, 2002). In order to make a change, you need to broadcast the problem first, as members in the community may or may not know that …show more content…
child abuse and neglect is happening around them. Programs should be offered in both community centers and schools that both educate and inform adults, children and families of signs, symptoms and causes of abuse and neglect. There should also be programs that are mandatory for parents that are expecting children in the future, either, adopting, fostering or birthing to inform them on the problem, and how to cope with their stress without taking it out on their children. Programs should also be offered to ethnic minority groups, as the figures show that ethnic minority children have higher rates of reported child abuse and neglect compared to their non-Hispanic white counterparts (CME Resource, 2012). By getting the community both involved and educated, hopefully the child abuse and neglect rate decreases.
Community Approaches
Everyone should know that if they suspect an individual with abuse or neglect, that they have the right to report it to either the police or Children’s Aid Society. Individuals need to know, that it is better to report the questioned issue rather than not report it. You cannot get into trouble reporting an issue that you suspect, unless you report purposely. If everyone in the community knows that they have the right to report, then the children of society would be safer, as more and more people would be taking action to solve particular problems. There would be more eyes witnessing abuse and neglect, resulting in allowing the community to become safer (Rock, 2011, Chapter 8)
Currently, hospitals offer, birthing classes, CPR, breastfeeding, couple parenting and many other classes.
Most hospitals, urge couples to attend these classes, but are not mandatory. Adding the option of how to prevent child abuse and neglect as well as signs, symptoms and reasons why it may happen should be a priority class offered as well. Unfortunately, most of these courses offered charge a fee, which makes it price prohibitive to those who cannot afford the price. If hospitals are unable to offer these courses without a cost, they should be available trough alternative sources, such as community centers or religious institutions. Parents who are educated in these courses are less likely to abuse their children as they have the tools to handle certain situations and know who to contact if they are in a difficult situation. (Mount Sinai Hospital Joseph and Wolf Lebovic Health Complex . 1997) .It is important to offer these programs, taking consideration of different cultures, values and morals and maybe even offer programs targeting different cultures to allow a sense of connection. Individuals in society should know that there are specific child aid society’s for different religions, cultures, ect, Such is Jewish Family and Child Services , Native Family and Child Services, Catholic Children’s Aid Society, and more (Children’s Aid Society of …show more content…
It is also critical, that children recognize when they are being abused or if any of their friends are being abused. Having child abuse and neglect assemblies, or being part of a class, in both primary and high schools, will educate children so they will know where to go and who to contact if they are or someone they know is being abused or neglected. This will give children the power to be able to aid in stopping abuse themselves. Handing out pamphlets, magnets, stickers and information in agenda books as well as posters around school, will make it easier for students to be able to always get the help they need. The more people that are aware allows for a better understanding of the problem and to allow the problem of child abuse and neglect being out in the open and not hidden as a secret. The students in the school should be taught, the signs and symptoms of child abuse and neglect knowing there many different signs, as there are many different types of abuse. Some show physically, while others show emotionally or behaviorally. Some signs to look for that a child is being neglected would be, inappropriate clothes for the season, dirty or torn clothes, depression, scrounging for food and as well having social problems. In comparison, some general signs that a child is being abused are, changed in behavior and school performance, always watchful- preparing for the worst, comes to school/programs early, stays late and often does not want to go back home and depression. (Rock. 2005).
As mentioned above, abuse can be seen in a few different ways, physical, sexual and emotional. Some common signs of physical abuse are, unexplained bruises, marks or broken bones, seems to be frightened of parents and often will cry before going back home where the abuse is happening, Some signs of sexual abuse are, demonstrates odd, sophisticated, or unusual sexual knowledge or behavior, has difficulty walking or sitting and often does not participate in physical activities. Lastly, some signs that emotional abuse is happening are overly compliant or demanding behavior, extreme passivity, or aggression, delayed in either physical or emotional development, mood changes, and is often depressed and sad (Child Welfare Information Gateway. 2007)
By educating children on the signs of abuse and neglect, allows them to put into realization that it can be happening to anyone or possibly themselves without realizing it. It is important that they are taught/shown the right steps and contact information to take if they know anyone being abused and neglect or if they are experiencing it themselves. If a child in the school is being exposed to abuse and neglect, the school needs to keep in confidential and act accordantly.
By having classes offered targeted to other ethic minority groups, which include; African Americans, Native American Indians/Alaskan Natives, and Pacific Islanders, will allow these groups to connect and share common similarities.
By offering the course for free, will encourage participants to the course, as they do not have to worry about payment, as this could be a problem to many of them. The course should be offered in several languages so the participants can understand and feel welcomed. In this course, the individuals will learn the laws regarding child abuse and neglect in Canada, and how it is different from their home coutnires, as these individuals may or may not know the laws governing this issue, which in result causes them having the biggest percentage of child abuse and neglect. They will be taught what defines abuse and neglect, what the signs and symptoms of the issue are, what to do if they think they fall into the category of being abused/neglected, or abusing/neglecting. They will learn how to cope with stress and how to self-care, as a lack of these coping methods can cause physical or verbal abuse or the act of neglecting their children. The participants attending the class should know that they can go to the community center for help or advice when needed to prevent the issue from happening. Hopefully by having a course offered to the minority groups, will result in the percentage of child abuse and neglect to lower (CME Resource,
In conclusion, it is critical that individuals in society are exposed to information regarding the issues, signs, outcomes and where to go for help and who to call concerning child abuse and neglect. By having programs in hospitals, faith institutions, and schools, it allows for all age groups to be educated on the problem, which allows more people looking over the people in the society, making sure the child and youth are safe. By educating parents, who are adopting, fostering or having their own children, it allows them to take note of the problem and put it into reality. It allows them to be given coping strategies, and who to contact when help is needed or signs are shown. By educating the issue in schools, it also allows the children to know the signs of abuse and neglect and who to contact when these signs are seen or help is needed. By having courses targeted to ethnic minority groups will hopefully decrease the percent of reported abuse and neglect. It is critical that if you have suspicion of any abuse or neglect, that it is reported right away, it is always better to report than not to report
Catlin Fullwood. (2002). Preventing Family Violence. In Community Engagment Makes the Difference . Retrieved March 18, 2013, from
CNE Resource (2012). 9758: Child Abuse in Ethnic Minority and Immigrant Communities. Retrieved March 23,2013, from,
Children’s Aid Society of Toronto. Retrieved March, 21, 2013 from
Child Welfare Information Gateway. (2007). Child Welfare Information Gateway . In Recognizing Child Abuse and Neglect: Signs and Symptoms. Retrieved March 18, 2013, from
Mount Sinai Hospital Joseph and Wolf Lebovic Health Complex . (1997). Mount Sinai Hospital . In Prenatal and Parenting Classes. Retrieved March 18, 2013, from
Rock, N. (2005). Child protection and canadian law; a service perpective. Canada: Emond Montgomery.