Child abuse is a growing epideictic in the world. Most of us will never understand why parents or caregivers would use violence towards a child, especially towards their own children. It's sickening and heartbreaking how so many children have to suffer throughout their life getting physically or sexually abuse and the majority of the time most of child abuse cases are never reported. A Child Called It, a very popular memoir about a young boy’s survival through child abuse, is a painful read. Dave Pelzer, a young boy was abused most of his childhood life by his alcoholic mother. There are many stories and reports of child abuse, for instance a mother comes…
Many children suffer child abuse everyday at the hands of adults and it is often their own parents who are the ones to do this. They are beaten, kicked, thrown into walls, or burned with cigarettes. They have their heads held under the water of toilet bowls, are scalded by hot water or they are forced to stand in freezing or scalding showers until they pass out. A child could be stuffed into running washing machines or sexually molested and beaten so bad that they are unable to move. Some suffer from neglect in the forms of starvation and lack of medical attention, and still go unnoticed by outsiders such as child protective services or perhaps even their pediatricians. It is not unheard of that children die every day in the…
“Every day, averages of 2,400 children are victims of child abuse, and approximately three children die each day as a result of child abuse or neglect” (NASW, 2004, p.…
Child abuse has been and continues to be a problem in the United States. What exactly is child abuse? There are five main types of abuse: emotional, neglect, physical, sexual, and child endangerment. Emotional abuse entails actions such as “verbally assaulting and over pressuring children” (“Preventing Child Emotional Abuse”). Abuse through neglect occurs when “a child’s basic needs, such as clothes, food and shelter, are not met” (“Child Abuse”). Physical abuse is “intentionally or knowingly causing death or serious bodily injury to a child” (“Death Penalty”). Sexual abuse entails “virtually all sexual interactions between children … and significantly older persons” (Rind et. al.). Child endangerment consists of…
A statistic taken by shows that approximately 78.5% of child abuse comes from neglect. This is approximately over 500,000 reports of child abuse. Neglecting a child is another way to cause emotional abuse. This leads the child to believe that they are worthless and not needed. Other forms of neglect are failure to provide things such as physical health care, supervision, emotional nurturing and education. This can lead to problems in the future for children. These are problems such as health, physical, emotional, psychological and social problems. Another way this can affect the child is when they grow up to have a relationship. When they grow up and get in a relationship they will have trust issues with their partner. This is due to the fact that they are afraid they will be hurt emotionally again. The second highest form of abuse is physical at 17.6%. Physical abuse is the most visible kind of abuse. Physical abuse is any form of hitting or assaulting another person. When someone is abused at a young age they grow up to think that it is ok to abuse other people. This leads to social problems such as being a bully and not being able to make friends. Then when they grow up and have children they too will abuse their child. This creates a never ending cycle of abuse that can’t and…
Definitions of child maltreatment vary among the literature because the lack of homogeneity in what constitutes child maltreatment differs by country. Though one consistent part of every definition was that child maltreatment is the physical, psychological and sexual abuse, and neglect inflicted by adults towards children (Butchart, Harvey, Mian, Furniss & Kahane, 2006). To further grasp this issue you need identify and understand the definitions of each sub category that makes up child maltreatment: Physical abuse is often difficult to identify as there are many different cultural acceptances, religion. Children may also feel loyalties to parents and siblings, which often prevent the open declaration of the levels of abuse that actually exist (Butchart, Harvey, Mian, Furniss &…
This article takes the very populated views of child abuse and explains the more common ones. It does this through looking through all of the different news stories that report on child abuse and compares them to the government child advocacy reports. In doing this it helps explain the main factor for child abuse. As mentioned earlier many people only think of physical abuse when they think of child abuse. This happens because that is typically the kind of abuse that gets reported on because it is the most noticeable and outrageous. However, the main reason is for neglect and not taking care of all of the child’s needs, mainly food. This article really compares the two and gives a more accurate picture of child…
Child abuse relates closely to human service due to the fact that this is a helping field which involves children and family. Human service works to improve the quality of life and well-being of individual. Human service offer services that works closely with counseling, therapy and social justice.…
Children are suffering from a hidden epidemic of child abuse and neglect. Every year more than 3 million reports of child abuse are made in the United States involving more than 6 million children (a report can include multiple children). The United States has one of the worst records among industrialized nations – losing on average between four and seven children every day to child abuse and neglect. 1, 2…
One in every eleven foster kids have been sexually abused at least once. In New York in 2007 of the 2250 victims of human trafficking 75% were in foster care. In 2012 there were more than 3.3 million reports of child abuse in foster care. One in every six kids is a victim of physical abuse. Children who experience child abuse and neglect are 59% more likely to be arrested as a juvenile, 28% more likely to be arrested as an adult, and 30% more likely to commit a violent crime.30% of abused children will later abuse their own children. 7.60% of child abuse abuse case are from sexual abuse. 25% of children ages 1 to 3 years are abused. There was 297,971 alleged victims but only 98,435 were confirmed cases of child abuse. More than 5 kids die each day as a result of child abuse. Most victims to child abuse were abused by family. 78.30 % of child abuse cases are from neglect. In the united states a child is abused or neglected every 47 seconds. It is estimated that between 100,000-300,000 American youth are currently at risk for becoming victims of trafficking. The average age of a child who enters the sex trade in the US is 12-14 years…
Think deep of how abuse can hurt or damage a child mentally and physically. The victim can end up living with a life of long-term suffering consequences. There are many kinds of abuse: physical abuse, neglect, psychological or emotional and “custodial interference” (CDC, 1). Imagine the harmful effects that abuse brings to a child. It has been shown that 1,770 children from infancy to early child hood have died from physical abuse. Psychological disorders in another study show 80 percent of children to teens were diagnostic with one or more psychiatric disorders by 21 years of age. It’s no surprise that the harmful percentages shown have a huge affect on the victim’s behavior. Not all abused children suffer from long-term consequences;…
Young children who are often times neglected tend to suffer from the poor maintenance of physical health, psychological complications, and social and behavioral troubles. In 2006 the U.S. department of health and human services estimated 905,000 children are neglected or abused just in that year alone. Abuse and neglect can cause major difficulties that can last a lifetime. Not all abused or neglected children will have these lifelong problems it all depends on the child’s age, type of abuse, and the frequency and severity of the abuse. Child abuse and neglect is a problem that remains to grow within the United States. More and more cases fail to go noticed. It is our responsibility as mentors and educators of children to be able to recognize these signs so that it can come to a stop.…
Every walk of life in our society is plagued with child abuse, which comes in many forms. According to the U.S. Health Department, of the children who experienced maltreatment or abuse, over 78% experienced neglect; more than 17% were physically abused; just under 10% were sexually abused; approximately 8% were psychologically maltreated; and just over 2% were medically neglected.…
Child abuse has been an emerging issue which created a huge controversy of how it affects children. Child abuse is in many forms and not just physical, but it is also psychological, emotional, and sexual. Child abuse has been around since the beginning of time and there have been many historical accounts that have proved that children have either been neglected or abused.…
Child abuse disregards the most basic rights of children and teens; it has very clearly emerged across the United States with different kinds of abuse. Who are at risk of abuse and unfair treatment? Child abuse is a very dangerous problem that manifests all forms of physical and emotional affliction, sexual abuse, neglect or negligent treatment resulting in harm to the child’s health, survival or development. The question is how many children are neglected and abused each year in the United States. How is the community supposed to prevent and stop child abuse?…