As mentioned, this program may provide protection for individuals, but it may also provide protection for children in the individual’s care. There are generally a large percentage of young children who are in need of protection in addition to the individual seeking help. These programs generally do not provide service for males, as outpatient services are offered for violators of the female population.…
The current law creates a system of statewide child welfare services that are administered by the State Department of Social Services along with individual county child welfare agencies. Both are committed to provide all children a safe environment that is free from abuse and neglect. Senate Bill 794 would add various changes to the current law such as requiring county child welfare agencies to “implement policies and procedures to identify, document, and determine appropriate services for children and youth who are receiving child welfare services pursuant to federal law and are, or are at risk of becoming, victims of commercial sexual exploitation” (Legiscan) by September 29, 2016. This law would also require the county probation or department of…
Write a five paragraph essay that conforms to the requirements below. The paper must be 600 to 900 words in length (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. The paragraphs of your essay should conform to the following guidelines:…
1. Should Brenda and her siblings have been removed from their birth home initially? According to the Child Protective Services procedure, ones a child experiences abuse or neglect they will be removed from their present environment and placed in a foster home till they can figure out the best interest of the child. If one child is neglected they take them all not only the child abused, this is another important approach of CPS.…
Demographics- This case involves Zoe girl around 9-11 years old, and her toddler brother were removed from their home due to domestic violence, child abuse, and neglect. Dad/Boyfriend abuses alcohol and Mother appears to be depressed. They live with their Mom and Dad/Boyfriend, (DB) in a trailer home out in the country. The little girl is her brother’s caregiver; she is the one who feeds and attends to him. She is very close and protective of her brother. No record or history of extended family known.…
Your total essay will be 4-8 typed, double-spaced pages (approximately 1200-2400 words), following MLA guidelines for document design (see pages 64-68 and 484-496 in LB Brief). You must cite and list at least four credible sources.…
The social learning theory is based on operant conditioning which suggests that children learn to be aggressive by observing the behaviour of those around them, particularly the behaviour of significant others, such as parents or elder siblings. By seeing others being rewarded or punished for their behaviour, the child experiences vicarious reinforcement. From these models, children therefore learn about the nature of aggressive behaviour, the situations it is appropriate and its likely consequences. In addition to learning about the likely outcomes of aggressive behaviour, children also develop confidence in their ability to use aggressive behaviour to get what they want. Children who are confident that they will be able to use aggressive behaviour effectively to achieve their ends are high in self-efficacy; those with less confidence in their ability to use aggression are low in self-efficiency and may decide to use other methods.…
in a trusting safe relationship. Foster care is one of the ways to provide this security for children. Having an individual who has accepted the role of a foster parent and is willing to handle all the challenges that come with this title, can be a very positive impact on a child. Children may develop a bond with the adult who has accepted this role and follows the regulations that are in place within the state. As with parenthood, foster parents become foster parents for various reasons. Some foster homes are not always the healthiest place for a child who has been misplaced from his or her home. Older children and children who have had various encounters with foster care may enter the system with negative attitude due to neglect and maltreatment. According to Kids Count Factbook, in 2014, three-quarters (77.0%) of child maltreatment cases in Rhode Island involved neglect. Poverty, parental substance abuse, and mental health problems are the leading contributors to neglect. Achieving timely and successful reunification requires access to substance abuse and mental health treatment, as well as interventions designed to improve the economic status of…
The Washington State Legislature passed the bill “the Parenting Sentencing Alternative substitute senate bill 6639” in 2010 The legislation has created two programs to help parents of minor children get intensive supervision as alternatives to incarceration: Family and Offender sentencing Alternative (FOSA) and Community Parenting Alternative (CPA). “The State saw a need to address the issue of the increasing number of minor children being raised without their parents. “ The Community Parenting Alternative is the department of Corrections Avenue for a parent who is within the correctional system could be placed with in this alternative program. This programs protocol is to transfer an offender to home detention using electronic monitoring for up to the last year of their prison sentence. Susan Leavell explained that "the inmates that are coming out are still inmates, but in their home. Electronic monitoring is a way to ensure that they are where they say they are and that they don't leave the home without permission." The current sentence is waived and 12 month community custody is imposed with intensive supervision model and weekly visits with the offender.…
Noblesville, IN’s Department of Job and Family Services’ implemented a new policy stating that “any household that has one or more documented offense of domestic violence, child abuse, or drug or alcohol related offenses committed by the mother, father, guardian, and/or caregiver, will result in the removal of any child or children from the home.” In addition to the removal of a child, “the child will be placed in the care of the state, or foster care services, until documentation can prove that the offender has undergone any or all of the following, and has thus been “offense free” for a period of no less than six months: alcohol and /or drug treatment, counseling, family therapy sessions, mental health treatment, anger management, life skills classes, and/or parenting classes.” I have to say that I strongly oppose the majority of the policy. Firstly, I see many ethical and moral dilemmas. Secondly, I believe this policy will have an immediate negative impact on the children, as well as an ultimately destructive effect on criminality in the future. Lastly, while I do feel that the Department of Job and Family Services interpreted the social learning theory properly, I do not feel, however, that they applied it properly when implementing the policy. I question this policy for that a number of moral and ethical issues come to mind when I think of this new policy. This policy seems to be that of one that too quickly jumps to conclusions as well as judgments. Which brings up questions such as who determines that a child is in danger? What constitutes endangerment in the government’s eyes? How is it decided that the state is better suited to raise my child?…
A man was arrested Monday for shooting at his ex-girlfriend while she was standing inside her house where she runs an in-home daycare. There were 7 children in her care who she hid in the bathroom. When the woman wouldn’t let the man inside, he set a side garage door on fire. The man then shot at her, but she was not hit by the gunfire. once the children were in the bathroom, she got a gun inside the home. The man broke into the house through the sliding glass door. The woman saw her ex-boyfriend come toward her, and she fired what police called a warning round to keep him away. He was not hit. He was taken into custody without a struggle. The man was jailed and expected to be charged with suspicion of attempted murder, felony child endangerment…
2. The child will be removed from the situation especially if it involves harming another child…
– Intergenerational transmission of violence – Social learning theory can also be used to examine how the relationship between the victim and offender contributes to the cycle of violence: • Learned helplessness • Survivorship…
The second one for potential child welfare issues is that while Callie is at work, her sister named Brenda watches the children most of the time, however, Brenda’s 14 year old male son is left in charge when Callie’s sister cannot watch the children. Therefore, it is indicated that there is potential neglect because it is a big responsible and task for a 14 year old to take care of children. The third potential issue of child welfare issues is that it states in the case study, that Derrick said “He doesn’t like what his cousin does to him” and when asked to explain, he withdraws emotionally and physically. Therefore, it is indicated that there is potential sexual abuse. It is indicated that child sexual abuse describes any incident in an adult, adolescent or child uses their power and authority to engage a minor in a sexual act, or exposes the minor to inappropriate sexual behaviour or material (Blue Knot Foundation 2017). Therefore, a person may sexually abuse a child using threats and physical force, but sexual abuse often involves subtle forms of…
The Social Information Processing Theory states that a parent’s cognitive process may affect their choice to engage in abusive behavior. An online study explored this theory to test whether the cognitive process truly influenced potential abusive behavior and strict disciplinary styles between a parent and a child. It also collected data regarding parent’s personal characteristics, stress coping styles, anger control/management, and child developmental norms with abuse. There is a cognitive four-stage process prior to all parents decision concerning the discipline of their child and how it should be carried out. The four stage process is given from the Social Information Processing theory. There is a root to all physical aggression, especially…