The social learning theory is supported by Bandura et al., who found that children who observed a model behaviour behaving aggressively towards a Bobo doll were more likely to reproduce the same behaviours when they were later allowed to interact with the doll; the children even improvised their own aggressive actions towards the doll. This was particularly the case when they saw the adult rewarded for their aggressive behaviour, therefore supporting the claim that the expectation of the reward influences the likelihood of a behaviour being performed. Due to these findings Bandura et al., created another experiment, where they divided children into three groups. All three watched a film of an adult model behaving aggressively towards a Bobo doll. Group 1 saw an aggressive model who was neither rewarded nor punished for their aggressive behaviour. Group 2 saw an aggressive model who was rewarded for their aggressive behaviour. Finally, group 3 saw an aggressive model who was punished by another model for their aggressive behaviour. The
The social learning theory is supported by Bandura et al., who found that children who observed a model behaviour behaving aggressively towards a Bobo doll were more likely to reproduce the same behaviours when they were later allowed to interact with the doll; the children even improvised their own aggressive actions towards the doll. This was particularly the case when they saw the adult rewarded for their aggressive behaviour, therefore supporting the claim that the expectation of the reward influences the likelihood of a behaviour being performed. Due to these findings Bandura et al., created another experiment, where they divided children into three groups. All three watched a film of an adult model behaving aggressively towards a Bobo doll. Group 1 saw an aggressive model who was neither rewarded nor punished for their aggressive behaviour. Group 2 saw an aggressive model who was rewarded for their aggressive behaviour. Finally, group 3 saw an aggressive model who was punished by another model for their aggressive behaviour. The